Once I was inside, I could hardly see a thing. My eyes slowly adjusted and I could hear the echoing of laughter and people talking. It made me feel very scared, although I knew that it was Lynn, Alex and the others that were here, but I didn't know that. This building was huge and could be hiding homeless people who would possibly join us as the night went on.

"This way," Austin whispered and once again took my hand, guiding me. The further we walked into the building the darker it seemed to become. There were creaking of what seemed to be like chains and I felt my heart drop into my stomach as I squeezed Austin's hand tight. This place scared the hell out of me and I was sure I could hear even more strange noises as we continued to walk.

At this point I couldn't see a thing, but Austin obviously knew where to go as he continued to pull me along. I wanted to know where the other's were, they were obviously here. I could hear them laughing. Oh God, what if that was some sort of ghost? I didn't want to mess with some kind of supernatural.

Suddenly Austin took a sharp turn and I ended up running into what I assumed was boxes that forced me to fall down to the ground with a thump. I groaned loudly and Austin gasped then snorted loudly.

"Are you okay?" He asked, somehow finding me and helping me up.

"Yes," I muttered, although my bottom hurt, but I didn't tell him that.

"Hey! Stop playing back there and come join us!" I heard, who I believe was Alex, shout. Austin snorted again and grabbed my hand, pulling me through almost a maze until we came out into a clearing. And boy, I was surprised.

Sitting in the middle was a torn up couch- how it got there, I've no clue. All around were candles with different colored glass cups over them that made this whole part of the building light up with different colors. It was so beautiful. I looked around in amazement, seeing the colors up on the ceiling and casting on the walls. This place was creepy and beautiful at the same time.

"Come sit guys," Lynn said, smiling and patting a space beside her. There weren't a lot of people here like last time, but then again I was sure there were more wandering about this building. Austin tugged my hand and we were walking over to the tattered couch and sitting down, him closer than what I would have expected, but it was nice.

"Glad to see you finally made it. What took so long?" Lynn asked, turning her body so she was facing us.

"Alan was too afraid to jump down from the fence," Austin said, a smirk forming on his lips. I rolled my eyes and elbowed him. Lynn giggled and smiled, shaking her head.

"It was really tall, okay." I muttered, crossing my arms.

"Don't sweat it, every time Austin or Alex, or any of the guys for that matter want to take the back way, I freak out too. That fence isn't even safe to hop over at certain parts, but no, you tell any of them that then they want to jump it," she said, shaking her head again. "Idiots, I swear."

"It's fun, you two are just little babies." Austin said, rolling his eyes.

"So are you Austin Carlile! There's been times where you've freaked out and wimped out of something." Lynn said, grinning as Austin's cheeks turned a little pink. Who knew he could become bashful and embarrassed over something? He seemed like the type of person to just brush things off. It was actually really cute.

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