Chapter 2

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            A week had gone by since I had gotten the amazing news. I was so eager to find out when we would start the whole filming process. I still haven’t been getting much sleep; I assume it’s because of how excited I am.


I looked at my phone and saw that Scott Genkinger was calling. A shiver went down my spine. I had been waiting for this phone call for what seemed like an eternity. I eagerly answered, “Hello!” I realized I sounded maybe a bit too excited.

            “Hey, Sherri, it’s Scott again! How are you?”

            “I’m fine, just fine! How are you?”

            “I am great! I wanted to let you know that we have everything all set up for the first table read and film dates! We want you and the rest of the cast to come in for the first table read on Monday, and just get to know each other and familiarize yourselves with each other, and stuff like that,” he sounded very enthusiastic.

            “That’s great! I’m so excited for this! What time, and where?”

            “Stay by your email. I’ll send you the studio gate number and time and all that jazz. Sound good?”

            “Sounds great! Oh, one more question, Scott, who will be playing my…counter part? In the show, I mean. My…my partner? My,”

            “Teri Polo!” he said, cutting me off. I was starting to ramble. “Teri Polo will be playing Stef Foster. Have you met her before?

            “No, nope. This will be the first time meeting her!”

            “Ah, well you’ll love her! Listen, I’ve gotta go. I have to call some more of your cast mates, but I will send you that email.”

            “Okay, great! Thanks, Scott. Talk to you later, bye!” I hung up the phone. Teri Polo. That name definitely rings a bell. I Google her name to see what she looks like. Her picture comes up and I immediately recognize her. She’s from in all of the “Meet the Fockers” movies! I love her! I’m almost intimidated.

She’s a lot more known than I am, I say to myself. I scroll through some more of her pictures and can’t help but notice just how gorgeous she is. She’s six years older than I am. That’s even more intimidating. I come across her playboy pictures and suddenly I feel my face get very red.

Why am I blushing?

Just then Kamar comes in and I blush even harder. I click out of the web page.

            “Hey babe, what are you looking at?” He asks.

            “Oh, just going on IMDB to see what the actress Teri Polo has been in. She’s going to play my partner on the show!”

            “Oh yeah? She’s the one in all the Focker movies, right? Yeah she’s cute. Not as cute as you, though! You’ll show her up!” He laughs.

            “Well it’s not a competition, babe,” I can feel myself starting to blush again.

            “I know, I know. You’re still hotter,” he says as he leans in for a kiss. I kiss him back and then stand up and motion towards the bathroom. I need to splash some cold water on my face.

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