I turned it over in my hands. It was old and tattered but I could feel the secrets it held. It had the same electricity running through it as the air did when the Shifters changed the other night. "Why did you have this with you?" I asked Mercedes.

She shrugged like it was no big deal, "It is like a guide for our kind. Our ancestors made many copies and passed it down through our family for many generations. We all have one." she explained nonchalantly.

"Well alright, I won't tell anyone and I won't let anyone see this. Um, when do we start the--er--investigation?" I asked her reluctantly.

"I'll call you." she told me before walking out the door.

I made my way down the hallway to my English class where Mr. Reynolds had already started his endless droning without me. I had gotten to class late and eased myself into my desk chair.

Maile leaned over to me carefully, "Hey, I'm sorry about that... are you okay?"

I nodded weakly, "Yeah, but Maile, you seriously need to be more sensitive about people. Someone's death isn't a joke."

She looked at me clearly offended, "Hey, I never said it was a joke, I'm just one of the first people to know... I said I'm sorry..." she lowered her head remorsefully.

I patted her should to let her know it was alright, "Don't worry about it, let's just try to get through this day okay?" I offered.

She nodded and Mr. Reynolds began his droning once again. Class went by faster than I would have liked and I was forced to move to my next class; biology, which normally I would have seen Penelope in.

When Kassie, Maile and I went to sit down in our seats some kids were already whispering anxiously. I assumed it was because the news had already started to travel about Penelope's death. I figured that the first class of the day that she was in had been told what happened. Our teacher, Mrs. Mavis, entered the classroom looking sullen. She set her books on her desk and came to stand in front of the class with her hands clasped in front of her.

"Class, I'm sure some of you have already heard the news, but we lost a student last night to murder. Penelope Brennon was found dead on the side of highway ninety-six. We have been told that the police are working around the clock to find her killer. The city has enacted a curfew of eleven pm for everyone." There was a wave of groans and protests from the students but finally everyone came to the conclusion that it was best for the safety of everyone. Mrs. Mavis held up a hand to silence the class and continued, "We will be having a memorial at the school for Penelope this weekend. It is up to you to come if you wish, Penelope's family as also decided that her funeral will be open for anyone who wishes to attend. There will be an assembly in a few minutes for the principal to address the entire school. Please gather your belongings."

Everyone started to grab their bags while all whispering to each other anxiously.

Kassie leaned over to me, "Hey, you doing alright girl?" she asked while rubbing my back in a motherly fashion.

"Yeah, it's just weird you know? Penelope was here... every day... and now we'll never see her again. It's just all really surreal." I said weakly.

I honestly felt stupid, I mean, it's not like me and Penelope were best buds or anything. Truthfully we never really talked, but she was one of the few people that didn't make fun of me. She was nice to everyone...

I shook myself out of the depressed trance I was in as Mrs. Mavis told us it was time for the assembly.

When we got inside the gymnasium everyone was already getting settled into the bleachers. I made my way to the spot where our class was designated to be and sat down. Maile and Kassie sat on my right side and Kate Carter sat to my left. She shot me a death glare before turning to chat with her friends. I shrugged it off as usual and ignored her like she ignored me.

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