Story Time: Universal Studios

Start from the beginning

Then we have Friend Cole.  Cole was like really cool. He had cool hair and a cool hat and could do cool flips. He also got thrown into a trash can (me) and got punched in the face. But he's only a Friend because he really only talked to us when we applauded his flip.

Then we have Best Friend Mike. Mike is also a stunt guy and was also thrown in the trash can. However, Mike is a Best Friend because he was testing the microphones and he was like "DID SOMEONE SAY STUNTS?" And we were like "YEAH!"
And then he said something in Spanish and I was "what."

But he gave some high fives so yeah.

After that show we went on the backlot tour.

On the backlot tour we met Best Friend Alex and Mean Friend Gustavo.

Alex was our guide for the tour. He had some great puns, and I mean really great puns. Like top quality puns.

For example, we saw Norman Bates (we was gonna kill us), and when we drove away we was like "I hope he doesn't follow us up the Psycho-path."

Also he reminded me of Ben J. Pierce so.

But then we have our driver, Mean Friend Gustavo. First of all, this man almost killed us. Like every time something dangerous would happen he would just sit there like excuse you Norman Bates is trying to kill me we gotta Zayn.

After that tour we met Scooby Doo and Shaggy.

Scooby and Shaggy are both Best Friends, of course.

When we walked up to them, my friend had her iPad out, and it was cracked.

Shaggy was all like "THAT TABLET THINGY HAS LIGHTING ON IT, THAT'S SPOOKY, MAN." And we just kind of laughed at him.

During our picture session Scooby licked my ear and it was wet and I'm slightly concerned as to why is was wet.

Then we got in line for the Simpsons ride. While in line, we played Heads Up as any person in a line would do. We were doing accents and impressions, and one of them was Canadian.

I, being the offensive person I am, said "maple syrup eh moose eh"

And my friend screamed "PANCAKES."

Pancakes is not an accent, friend.

Anyway the couple behind us was all like "apparently we're pancakes now"

These people are Friends because they didn't talk much.

Now while we were in the Jurassic line something odd happened.

We were just talking in our little friend group when this lady just come in between us with a camera. At first we thought we were in her way, but then she was like "No, picture?" (She didn't speak good English) and we were like "uh okay"

So basically we took photos with some random tourist family okay.

I don't know if they thought we were like famous or if they just liked our swaggy matching shirts but they were nice so they're Best Friends.

Now the people at the mummy ride were super cool.

While we walked through the entrance Best Friend Alec was all like "WOO YEAH GUYS LETS GO" and he gave us all high fives and was super excited.

Then this girl was like "you need to put your stuff in the free lockers".

And we were like "woo free lockers"

And then Best Friend Jermaine was standing by the lockers and was like "WOO FREE LOCKERS OH YEAH"


We were very enthusiastic about free lockers.

Then while in line we said hi to Friend James.

While on the ride there was Best Friend Your Soul Belongs To Me Guy but we were like "lol what's this suwol you speak of"

After the ride Bad Friend Pharaoh scared us but it was okay we forgive him. He also had pretty eyes so.

On Jurassic Best Friend Brandon lied to us about how wet we would get and said bye to us before we died.

And while shopping for Harry Potter wands we had a WANDerful conversation with Best Friend Edward.

And then we met the rest of the characters.

First we met Shrek and Fiona. When we met them, Fiona asked if we sang (because we were wearing drama club shirts) and we were like yeah and we sang her famous high note with her she was impressed. Shrek was scared. My friend's life as completed because Shrek hugged her and stuff so yeah. Also she told Fiona she was a llama and Fiona was very confused.

While we were singing with Fiona Beetlejuice walked by and was like "HEY NICE CHORUS FIONA" and we were like "THANKS M8"

Then we walked over to Beetlejuice and he was like "oh it's the drama geeks" then he read our shirts that read "we're not weird, just dramatically different." He was like "your shirts are a lie theater kids are always weird."

We were just like "true true"

But he accepted our weirdness so that's good.

We also complimented his teeth. He said he doesn't brush them and I was like "good life advice" and he was like "it is."

The picture was kind of awkward to take I won't explain why it was just very awkward.

After meeting Beetlejuice we went back and met Donkey. He was like "so you guys are in drama club. Do you have a lot of drama in the club?" And we were like "no not really" and he was like "really? Then why do you have a drama club?" Then when we took our picture we were like "can we say waffles instead of cheese?" And he was like "yes we can say waffles instead of cheese"

So when we took the photo he was like "WAFFLES INSTEAD OF CHEESE"

Then we talked about how we were putting on a talent show and we talked about our talents and then he did the lip popping thing and was like "if you guys didn't know that's drama speak for break a leg" and we were like yes he knows the secret code.

Then we met those people in the Windows multiple times. The first time they were like "hey!" And we were like "hi!"
And they were like "you guys drama club?" And we were like yeah we are. And they were just like "so you're just going around being dramatic" and we were like "you betcha."

The second time we complained about the woman's cousin.

The third time was when we were leaving and we were like "Bye!" And she was like "Bye! Happy Valentines Day! wait. Valentine's Day? What am J saying." Then she was like "let's just get is all over with. Happy Valentines Day, happy Saint Patrick's day, Merry Christmas, happy kwanza."

But before we left we met Betty Boop. We talked about the talent show again. However one of our friends isn't performing because she had stage fright. Betty then gave us a very inspirational message about self confidence and yeah it was great I felt so much better about myself.

So that was my day at Universal Studio

I made lots of friends. Had lots of awkward moments. If was great.

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