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Jayla wakes up and knows she had sex with Jack and starts to freak out and scream at him
Jack:what happened
Jayla:you had sex with me is happened
Jack:it is not like your pregnant
Jayla:you are a fuckboy
Jack:it's called hump and dump
Jayla:what is that
Jack:you have get them drunk have sex with them and leave them
Jayla starts crying and starts to freak out again
Jack:let me take you home
A long ride to to Jayla's house and a lot of talking
Jayla:mom dad are you home
Mom:yes we're in the kitchen
Jayla:bye Jack
Jack:no I want to meet your parents
Jayla goes into the kitchen to have Jack meet her parents
Jayla:Mom dad meet Jack
Jayla:Jack meet my parents
Dad:is he your boyfriend
Jack:yes Mom:well than welcome to the family
Mom:dinner is almost done
Jack and Jayla go to Jayla's room
Jayla:why did you tell my dad that were together
Jack:because if you are pregnant I would be the father
Jack:and I bet you don't want to be called a slut
Jayla:ok I will go to the store and buy a pregnancy test and see if I am pregnant

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