A dream??

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The sky turned a cold grey, and the wind blew a bitter crisp frost into the air...
Darkness was near, her wings flapped hard trying to fight the harsh wind that slapped her pale cheeks witch were now a bright pink colour and her crystalline eyes teared as the cold rushed past her..
Her hair frantically waved around almost as if it was a signal for help...
A dark figure leaps through the misty clouds almost to quick for her to know what it was, her eyes glanced to the cloud were she had seen the moving shadow nothing seemed fine there but she couldn't see a single trace of her culprate.
She turned around ready to return to the path of the other direction but there it was again a moving mysterious figure of the sky or the ground.... but what ever it was it seemed to be playing an unwanted game of hide and seek.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2016 ⏰

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