Chapter 2: The Grim Reaper

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     We had a principal named Ms. Reber. Some of us called her the grim reaper. She looked 7,958,490,688,399,579,395,859,389,940,384,875,983,476,635,626,748,494. But she was in her 40's probably. She could be mean. She usually came to use fresh man and gave us lectures on not being a "hooligan" is what she called it. She would attempt to connect with us by playing 1980's music as if we liked it. Her attempts failed. 

     The assistant teacher wasn't as mean as her she believed in doing work when it was time to work and play when it time to play. She was also "Up with the times." Is what she would say. It was true. She knew what students liked to do and have. Her and Ms. Reber heads butt over some things. They just didn't do it in front of the kids.

     Ms. Reber didn't like it when she had to come get kids from other classes. Especially when it was in the academy. She would come stomping in. You can hear the rats under the floor scamper for a place to hide. Her voice bellowed so low the ground shock. People would cross their fingers hoping she would not call them. She sounded like an whale yelling into a fog horn. Then she said it. "Tyron Peeler". From that moment I went shitless.

     At that moment I felt the whole class staring at me. I looked at my teacher Mr. Luck. He was slightly quivering. He whispered in a faint weak voice. "go..."  I heaved myself from my seat. I moved sluggishly to the door. I went into the hall she grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the door her nails dug to my bones. I lost all the feeling in my legs but she kept dragging me. There was no choice I was being taken to my grave.

     I must have passed out on the way there because I didn't remember getting there. I was cold. It felt like I was in antarctica booty-naked. I looked up and saw the ugliest thing i've ever seen. For the first time ever I was eye to eye with the one and only Grim Reaper. "Is this what death feels like... Looks like" She asked my name and I didn't know whether to give my real name or a fake. I went with the real one. "Tyron Peeler Ms. Reber" She walked to her desk typed a little and looked up.

     I began to panic I looked for an exit. There were none at all. There were no windows no doors. "How the hell did I get in here." She said nothing for about an hour then said I would get expelled if I didn't come up for a way for my grades to go up. Before I could say anything she said security and I was pulled out and escorted to the trailers BLINDFOLDED. At that moment I had 2 things on my mind...Grades....and a new pair of underwear.






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