Chapter Two

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Chapter 2- Simon

It was hard to focus in the midst of being around so many mages, when you have absolutely no power. Baz and I didn't bother telling anyone about my missing powers. The wings and tail brought enough extra attention to me.

I looked up at Baz to find him smiling down at me. I gave him a small smile back, and curled my wings inward. I wrapped my tail around his arm, and he tilted his head at me.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm cutting out the possibility of someone stepping and/or tripping over my tail." I responded.

"Oh, alright. That makes more since. You can be confusing sometimes." He replied.

I bobbed my head in a slow nod.

Baz gave me an odd look suddenly. I returned it.

"You okay?" I asked him softly. He nodded hesitantly, and his lower lip was caught between his teeth.

"You started to smell like magic for a moment. Then it was gone." He said while shaking my head. "I must have been imagining it. I don't know how I remembered the smell..." He trailed off.

I grabbed his hand and lead him over to a secluded corner.

"You smelled magic in me?" I asked him incredulesly. He looked dumbfounded.

"Yes, no. I don't know.." He mumbled. "It just happened so suddenly. I don't know what that was. I had to have been imaging things."

I gazed at Baz worriedly. His eyes fluttered to me. I removed my tail from his arm, and gently helped him sit down at one of the tables. I sat down on top of him, and held him close.

He gave me a dazed smile, and hugged me. I bit my lip loosely, as he gently laid his head onto my shoulder.

"Baz, are you okay?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He muttered.

"You'll tell me if something is wrong, right?" I asked him. He nodded.

I bit my lip and held my tongue. I just wanted him to be okay. He looked up at me, and released a deep breath.

"I think I had smelt magic in you, Snow. I think that you will get your magic back." He said. He sounded sure.

"We discussed this Baz. I'm not a mage. I never have been. I'm just a plain old normal. I always will be.." I looked down, and my voice sounded sad.

Baz pushed my head up by the chin, using his pointer finger to guide my eyes to his. He caressed my cheek softly, and I closed my eyes and leaned into his cold hand.

"Baz?" I asked quietly.


"When was the last time you fed...?" I said, my voice almost silent. I knew he would hear me.

"It's been a couple days..." He muttered.

"Why?" I pressed.

"I've been busy getting ready for this. I haven't had time." He said. I sighed, then grinned mischievously as I thought of an idea.

"Catacombs?" I asked.

He grinned back. "Catacombs."

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