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In two days the biggest moment in Tahina's life will occur. In two days her worst nightmare will begin. In two days... she becomes eighteen. Tahina has planned for this moment her whole life. Everything leads up to this one, single day. And on this day she will likely die. Once you leave the Sewer you become vulnerable. In this world, where creatures out of storybooks have overcome the lands and it takes every ounce of your will to survive, Tahina will fight. She will fight the good fight but, sadly, she probably won't walk away when countless others have failed. She understands this, accepts this. But wishes there was another way. Alas, she knows her hope to be worthless. And so, she prepares. Absorbing every nugget of intelligence she can to strive in this new world. She relies only on what her good mentors have told her... only on what she has heard.

But as the final day draws near she feels her resolve weakening. Can she really do it? Could she be one out of hundreds to survive? Did she want to be?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2013 ⏰

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