Chapter One

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Hello, again, readers! I just wanted to give a few quick notes before you go on reading. This is a book about Clair BEFORE she lost her memory. Yes, she responds to Lyara still. Clair was a fake name given to her for reasons that you will find out during this book. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, that's okay. Just wait until I finish this book and then go read my other one. Actually, I might take it down until this book is finished. There are too many spoilers in it and I don't want anyone being disappointed.

Any ways, for the first few chapters, there will be small paragraphs that are written in italics. Those are just small tidbits that are there to explain some of the things going on. I'm sorry if they are annoying. They will not be frequent. They are only here for the first two or three chapters, to help you understand.

Also, yes I realize she is very young in this starting chapter. I want you to know her whole story. Yes, there will be a time skip eventually. Just not now. I want you to experience her growing up a little bit to help ease into the rest of it. Trust me, it's worth it. Please do not be an asshole and skip through chapters.


The day started out as any other for young Lyara Nicole. The sun shined bright through the curtains of her newly painted room as her mother gently shook her shoulder.

"Wake up, Lyara. Guess what day it is?" My mother's soft voice spoke sweetly. I groaned and rolled over on to my other side, determined to fall back asleep.

"I don't wanna wake up, mommy!" I replied in a sleepy voice.

"But it's your birthday! Don't you want to be four years old today?" I had forgotten that today was my birthday, and rolled back over excitedly. I looked at her mother with new-found excitement.

"Mommy why didn't you tell me it was my birthday?!" I squealed. My mother ruffled my hair and kissed me daughter on the forehead.

"Well how about you get dressed and I'll make you some breakfast. Then we can talk about your party today." I jumped out of bed and hugged my mother tightly around the waist.

"Thank you, mommy!" My mother, Jackie, laid out my outfit for the day, and left promptly to the kitchen to start breakfast.

Four year old Lyara looked down at what her mother had picked out. It was a beautiful blue dress, and because she was the birthday girl, she was given a small plastic tiara with a shimmering blue gem at the top. She threw the dress on over her head and studied herself in the small mirror that hung on her wall before making her way to the dining room.

Lyara lived a life of luxury. Aside from having a large bedroom all to herself, she lived in a fairly large home. Her bedroom was on the second story, but there was also a third story with two more bedrooms, the main floor, and a full basement that substituted as a play room for her and her friends.

She made her way down the large, carpeted staircase and through the living room to the dining room. She was about to sit down when she changed her mind and walked into the kitchen instead. Her father was standing behind her mother, with his arms around her waist as she struggled to flip the french toast. Her mother let out an exasperated giggle.

"I can't cook with all this affection." She said lovingly to her husband. Kissing her cheek, he pulled away from her and turned to see me standing there.

"Good morning, birthday girl!" He picked me up and spun me around. "My little princess is four today!" I smiled wide.

"Good morning, daddy! Are you coming to my party today?" My dad's smile faded, but only a little.

"I'm sorry, sweetie. I won't be at the party, but I'll be home in time to watch a birthday movie with you before you go to bed." He leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Plus, I'll let you stay up a whole extra hour." I smiled approvingly at my father. Taking a quick glance at his watch, he set me down.

"Alright princess, I've got to head to work. But I'll see you around seven for our movie date." He kissed me on the cheek before doing the same to my mom.

"Stay safe, Mike!" My mother called after him before he shut the door behind him. She then turned to me.

"What are you doing in the kitchen, silly? We eat in the dining room."

"I know but I wanted to help you set the table!" Jackie, my mother, smiled down at me.

"I've got it, baby. You go sit down." Obediantly, I skipped to the dining room and sat in my favorite spot to eat.

About two hours after breakfast, my mother decided it was time to finish getting ready for the party. She took me into the master bedroom to do my hair.

Lyara's hair went down to the middle of her back. She refused to let anybody cut it. She had natural strawberry blonde hair, just as her mother did. Jackie pulled Lyara's hair back into a tight bun, and then placed the birthday tiara on top of her head. She stood up and looked in the mirror, please with her mother's skillful work. As soon as she was done, they left for the park to have the party.

~About an hour later~

There were party decorations everywhere I looked. This place was amazing! There were about four picnic tables that were plied high with foods of all kinds. Cake, macaroni, chips, dip, hot dogs, hamburgers. All of my favorites. There was an extra table set aside for all of my presents. The park my parents had chosen for the party was a large one that was in the middle of a close-by neighbor hood, so there were many other children there who weren't a part of my party. One of them stood out to me. He sat all by himself in the tire swing. I couldn't really see what his face looked like because his hair was falling in front of it. He didn't seem much older though. Being a curious child, I wanted to play with him. Like I said, I was curious.

I made my way over to the boy. I almost started regretting walking up to him. He was kind of dirty, and he didn't smell very good. His light brown hair was darkened by grease, and his finger nails had dirt under them. But, it was only fair to play nice.

"Hi!" I said excitedly, waving a hand at him. At first he said nothing. After a moment, he raised his head and looked at me.

He had large green eyes that reminded me of an owl. But.. one of them looked weird. I decided it wasn't polite to ask.

"Are you.. talking to me?" He sounded confused.

"Of course I am, silly!" I smiled broadly. "It's my birthday. I'm four today," His face brightened a little bit.

"Hey, it's my birthday,too." He said with a small smile. I squealed with excitement.

"Well come on! I've got cake!" I grabbed him by his hand and began dragging him towards the tables. "How old are you turning?" I asked.

"I'm six today." He responded.

"Wow, that's so cool! You're almost a ten year old!" I marveled. I brought my new friend over to the table where my mom was sitting. She looked up from her book to acknowledge me, and saw I had another person with me. The look on her face told me that she could see how dirty he was, but I knew my mom wouldn't be mean or say anything.

"Well well well," She said warmly, "Who's your new friend?" She said, smiling at the boy.

He gave a polite smile and, looking strained, he responded.

"Hi, my name is Jack."

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