the letter

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Avries POV.
Ring ring ring
What the hell I woke up to my alarm going off. I looked at the time it was 7:30 am, my tired feet dragged me out of bed and to the washroom. Once I finished I walked down stairs and found a note it read.....
To avrie
I left to go to work they called me in early if u need me text me. Don't make a mess but you can have a few people over no more than 4 friends and clean up after.
~mom xoxoxox

Yay I get to have some friends over. I walked out side (still in my pjs) to fetch the mail.
For mom
For mom
Wait MAGCON!!!
I opened it and it read
Dear avrie,
I have talked to the boys and they would love to have you. If u didn't know but we leave for tour on friday. All of us matt, Aaron, carter, nash, cameron, hayes, jacob, taylor, jack j, jack g, shawn and special guests sam wilikison and nate maloley all wish you could come on tour with us to meet all of your fans.
~ Bart
PS plz contact me asap I also gave all the boys your number.😊😊
MAGCON wants me out of all people to go on tour with them.....
WAIT WHAT AHHHHHHHH my life is the best!!!!!
Hey guys this book has got me hooked so I don't think I will be continuing the other ones but we will have to see
Love, avrie

Mine; Jacob Sartorius Where stories live. Discover now