Copy Rights

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Dear my little smol beans of readers,
This is the first book I've ever written, so if I suck I'm not surprised because I suck at pretty much everything in life...

Anyway here are some warnings: this book does not have bad boys, bad girls, stereotypical goodie two shoes, or mean blonde girls with big boobs. This book does not have erotic fan fiction between Dan and Phil or something to do with them One Direction dudes. No, this book is much more weirder than all that ish.

It may include foul language, so for all my innocent smol beans, cover your eyes or leave before your precious mind is gone. Go! Go to the rest of the internet where nothing pornographic ever happens.... Oh wait... No never mind don't do that. Just lock yourself in a tower with a cat and just stay away from the real world. Only then will you be safe.

Okay so I got off topic.... Sorry I told you I suck at this. Anyhow, here comes the copy rights
©copyrights of lizreads415
I'll try to explain this to all of you with the best of my abilities.

(In a high pitched girlie girl voice) so like this is my story that I like came up with and stuff . And you know like I could not even if you stole the words that I write heeereee. Like you should know that that is illegal guys! Okay? #NotCoolBro #LikePleaseCanYouNot #TheseCopyrightsDoe

(In Sharkeisha's voice)
First of all y'all children should know better than to steal things. Didn't yo parents show you some manners tho. Listen, if y'all steal my girl Liz's story I will whoop yo behind. M'kay? Don't be messing with me, I'll be watching you now.

(In a haiku form)
Please do not steal this story
Please I beg of you
If you do I will cut you
(Wow that turned dark... Ahem moving on)

(In Spanish)
Porfavor don't steal me libro.
(Okay so I don't know any other languages besides English and sarcasm. Fight me. )

(In my own genuine voice)
We all own the right to copyrights. It is known by law that if you steal another person's work when copyrights were rightly stated,then it is punishable by law. Please do not steal my work. You can quote it but do not steal my writings. I worked so hard to perfect this for not only me but for you as well. It would suck to have your work taken away by someone else. Thank you.

Now that I've taken so much of your time. You can keep on teaching this book that will probably end up falling in love with you. Hope you enjoy it. Comment and vote and all that good stuff.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2016 ⏰

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