Chapter Two: The City

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I drummed my fingers against the steering wheel. I was impatient, and a little overwhelmed. Impatient because the traffic in New Jersey was starting to pile up; overwhelmed because i had three hundred dollars to my name, no job -at least no job anymore-, and I was starting to second-guess my decision. I had never been on my own anymore, and I was beginning to think I couldn't amount to the pressure.

You can do this, I told myself. You've depended on people your whole life. This is your chance to be independent.

I exhaled, releasing all my stress about the situation. The traffic became less cluttered, and I showed a hint of a smile.


My heart raced as I drove through the Lincoln tunnel. The lights on the walls sped past me as the core of the tunnel slowly brightened. I inched closer and closer to the end, and the smile on my face became wider and wider. The end of the tunnel approached.

"Woooo!" I yelled as I exited.

It didnt take long for me to find to find a cheap parking lot. Twenty dollars for the day; it was a steal considering it was about eleven o' clock. I had decided to walk to Beford Street; it was only about ten minutes away, which I was really excited about. I practically skipped there.

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