Chapter 1: Don't Worry...

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Rosie Fray... There is much more that meets the eye.

(Rosie's Pov)
As I'm messing with my hands, I feel the table shake. I look down under the table to see Simon's leg beating up and down vigorously. I stare at it, even though I don't say anything he should get that it's annoying the CRAP out of me.

He gets the picture and he stops. I sigh in relief and look back up towards the menu. Then I feel the table shake, once again.
"Can you not?" I glare at Simon.

"I'm sorry," he pauses and thinks, "it's just what if she doesn't make it in?" His worried eyes stare at me.

"Simon if you knew anything about Clary, it's that she is strong and talented." I try to assure him, but it didn't do much as he starts shaking the table again.


"She'll make it." I say confidently and with that I see the glimmering color of vibrant red walk through the door. But sadly, she has a frown on her face.

Simon seemed to notice her sadness and opens the conversation with, "Tell me the name of the professors and I will end them." We both give him a surprised and slightly scared face. "You know.. With a.. invigorating email to the dean." He quickly reassures.

"Don't bother." Clary breathes out emotionless. She sets down her folders and a letter. I quickly grab the paper and read it with a surprising grin.

Congratulations Clary Fray..

Are the first words on the paper. I put down the paper revealing a mischievous smile from Clary.

"9 out of 10 for the acting, but next time let me in on it too." I say excited as I make my way over to her side of the table and engulf her in a gigantic hug. "Congrats! And Happy Birthday. You're officially an adult."
Even though I'm older than her by two years, she is still a few inches taller. I know I'm short. But it's nothing heels can't help.

"Umm. Rose, I need air." Clary gasps for air as I let go and sit next to her.

Simon reads the letter and gives Clary a impressed smile.
"The sad face. Really?" He puts up his fist, "Well played." Him and her do a.. Some sort of fist bump.

I can't help, but admire their friendship, even though one of them wants more than just a friendship.

Every time Simon sees her, I can always expect to see a glimmer in his eyes. Been there since the day he met her, but it's sad to see that Clary never notices it. Now that their having their 'moment' I think it's time for me to leave.

"I'll see you at home sis." I side hug Clary and grab my leather jacket. "I'll see you guys later." I say and I walk out the rustic café.


"Hey Joce." With worry in my eyes. "I think we should talk about Clary." Jocelyn straightens up and motions me to go on.

"She's 18 now, and- are you gonna... talk to her?" I ask her.

"I will. When she gets home, I will." She reassures me.

"It's just that she just has so much to learn."

"Who has so much to learn?" Clary walks in and asks.

"Congratulations on art school, honey."Jocelyn gets up and hugs her.

"Ohh. So you have Simon's Twitter?" Clary laughs.

"He needs the retweets he only has 92 followers."

She lets go and holds Clary by the shoulders.

"Clary... You're 18 now and-"

"Okay. What is with everyone? I'm just turning 18, I'm not turning into a monster." Clary interrupts.

"I just want to give you this." Joce says and reveals Clary's stele.

"Cool. Is it like a paperweight or something..."

"It's something, alright." You just have have no idea what kind of something it is.

"It's a family heirloom." Jocelyn tells her.

"We Frays have heirlooms?" Clary asks jokingly.

"A few." I answer for her.

"Clary we need to talk about this." With a stern tone.

"Mom, we already had the talk and I really don't want to hear it again." Clary reminds her as she gets up from the couch.

Jocelyn stops her before she could leave. "Yes. And we need to have a much different talk." She emphasizes, "A much more important talk."

"Can't it wait until breakfast? Me and Rosie have to celebrate my birthday." Jocelyn reluctantly agrees. Clary grabs my hand and drags me towards are rooms.

"Thanks for the heirloom." Was the last thing she said before we ran up the stairs. Or more her sprinting and me walking.

"Come on. Let's get changed."


I change into black skinny jeans and a dark navy, short sleeved crop top. With, of course, black heels. And my hair in a half ponytail.
(Rosie's hair👇🏽)

I'm meeting Clary after Simon's gig

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I'm meeting Clary after Simon's gig.
I went to one of his gigs and one was enough. All of his songs he directs towards Clary, who, by the way, has no idea her best friend is serenading her. And I also feel very bad for Maureen who watches him do it and yet she still likes him.

This shit is messed up.

"JOCE! LUKE! I'm leaving to go see Clary." I yell out as I reach for the door.

"Wait!" Jocelyn yells out. "Please make sure you keep an eye on Clary. The protections are wearing off and now that she's old enough, I-" she starts as her voice gets shaky.

"Okay. Okay... I get it. Don't worry.. I'll protect her with my own life. Just don't worry." I calmly whisper and I hug her tightly. "You might not be my actual mom, but you're the closest one I have. Along with Clary, she's like my little sister. Don't worry..."

"Thank you." She says with relief.

To understand this story better, watching the show will definitely help. That's the first chapter and i'll try to update the next chapter as soon as possible.

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