I gave him a nod and listened while he whistled all the way down our stairs.  I quickly put on a pair of jeans and a gray t-shirt.  Then i grabbed my favorite purple hoodie and slid it over my rat's nest of hair.  After i sorted through all my crap on the dresser I finally found my brush.  Ever so carefully I combed through my hair until lucious brown curls fell down around my shoulders.  You couldn't deny it, with my blue eyes and curls I really was slighty pretty.  But it's not like anyone would ever notice.  

I bustled down my carpeted stairs to the smell of frying bacon and burning toast.  i sighed, "Dad, just because its called toast doesn't mean i want it burnt!" 

"Sweet molasses!  Not again!"  My dad ran across the kitchen like a child running to open presents: fast and chaotic.  "Oh, Angel, I'm sorry!  And only 10 minutes till you have to leave!  Should i cut up some strawberries for you?"

"No, it's fine.  I'll just eat the bacon and grab a nutrigrain bar from the vending machine at school."  I gave my Dad a pat on the arm to let him know it was alright.  

"I promise that tonight we can go out to a nice dinner and you can bring Beth along.  She doesn't get out much and I'm sure she would thoroughly enjoy it."  He stuffed the burnt bread into the garbage disposal and flipped the switch.  A loud jarring sound filled the surronding area.  It sounded like an old lady screaming while falling off the empire state building.  Dad hurridley flipped off the switch, "Note to self:  fix garbage disposal."  He shuffled over to his desk in his mismatched socks and took out a green post-it-note.  He wrote down, Fix garbage disposal ASAP.  After a short pause he wrote down again, ASAP sort of sounds like syrup.  He stuck the post-it-notes to the wall, "That should do it!"   

I laughed and gave him a hug, "Listen, Dad, I love how you want to take Beth and I out, but honestly we can just manage with Subway.  No need for the fancy shmancy crap."  

He protested, "But honey it's your birth-"  The grandfather clock let out a huge bellow of chimes and bells.  8:00!?  I was supposed to meet Beth five minutes ago!  

"Dad I love you but I gotta go!  I'm already running late!"  I skidded across the floor and grabbed my backpack off the ground.  

"What about your bacon?!"  He called after me. 

"Just feed it to Beethoven!  You know how much he loves his meats!"  As if on cue, our fat beagle by the name of Beethoven, rounded the corner like a runner finishing the last mile.  The words 'bacon' just sounds of fireworks in his small doggy mind.  Any chance for human food is like heaven on earth for Beethoven.  

"Look at me! Being reduced to feeding our dog my own food, but I guess I love you too Maestro!  Have a good day Angel!  Love you!"  Dad screamed behind me. (Maestro is our nickname for Beetoven if you didn't catch that.) 

I ran like the wind up the dangerously steep hill.  I could just see the little speck of human that was jumping up and down like a maniac.  It was Beth being a complete idiot.  But as I made my way closer I could just barely make out what appeared to be a small present wrapped with a white bow.  Crap Beth, you weren't supposed to get me anything!  I thought to my sweating self.  

"I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can."  There had to be someway to boost my running, and if it involved talking to myself like the train on Dumbo then that was just how it was going to be.  

"Come on Nora!  We're late! Come on!!  School starts in ten minutes and it takes us at least seven to walk there!  Now run and work your legs girl!  I wanna see you sweatin' buckets!  Now move move move move!!!"  Beth now took on the role as best friend/drill sergent.  Thankfully, it was just what I needed right now.  

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