Chapter 1

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Beep beep beep beep

I slam my head on the clock and accidentally break it.

Not again.

This is the third time this week!

I drag my sore legs out of bed and I put on any random band t-shirt I can find. I put on my favourite skinny jeans and I'm good to go. I never put on any makeup, it's expensive and pointless. Real beauty is from within and so far everyone at school thinks I'm beautiful.

I'm not the type of girl to brag or show off my expensive heels and handbags. Oh no, I'm the type of girl that loves to listen to music and draws. I'm the type of girl that sits on computers and plays games, and somehow everyone still pays attention to me.

In fact, most of the boys in school want to be with me.

Because of this, at least half the female population at school hates me for it. The tiebreaker half are either my friends, admire me or just out up with me.

That's my school at least.

As for outside of school?

I never go out.

That's the only answer you need.

I grab my already packed bag and head downstairs to the kitchen, the most important place in the house...except my room. My room is my palace, I wouldn't exchange it for anything.

Not even for food, and that's saying a lot because I love food.

I make myself some toast and eat an apple. Once I'm done with my breakfast, I leave the house.

My parents are always gone to work by the time I wake up so I don't say anything as I leave my safe place into the wild place everyone knows as our town.

The town may be wild but school is even wilder!


So this is the first chapter.

I know it's short but I'll be writing lots of chapter that'll be short. Hope you like it so far!!

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