The Kik

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AN: K so im gonna make this chapter longer cuz that last one was SHORT. Sorry about that. Again if you find any typos or mistakes let me know please!

Chapter 2:

Your POV-

You woke up to the sound of lawnmowers and planes flying overhead. 

"Man, im so tired" you said with a sigh at the end

Grabbed your phone and saw you had some messages from your friends. You texted them back and got up from your bed. You washed up and changed into some actual clothing. Usually in the mornings you would check your feed on all your social media so you went over and turned on your laptop/computer. As soon as you typed in your password you opened chrome and clicked on twitter. while scrolling through your feed you noticed everyone was freaking out about Niall doing a twitcam? You checked Nialls account and sure enough it said "Doing a twitcam soon maybe in 30 yeh?"

"Omg" you screamed quietly not to bring your brothers into your room to tell you to shutup.

Niall James Horan was doing a twitcam, TWITCAM. You quickly clicked on the link  and went to go grab a blanket. Once you made your chair comfy you sat down and waited a few. After about 20 minutes the screen changed from Offline to Nialls beautiful face. The chat was blowing up with "Omg niall follow me"  and "Can you say hi to my friend ___". Typical stuff you would see in a chat for someone famous. I wrote a quick little tweet and sat back listening to him talk about the TCA's last night. Later on he showed his room. He finished off bye saying he would do another later that week and went offline. Omg he was so adorable. You read through a couple of other tweets and then closed twitter. Since you had taken some pics of the twitcam you decided to instagram one then you turned off wifi and wen downstairs to eat breakfast. 

After breakfast you washed the dishes and went back up stairs. Grabbing your phone and unhooking it from the charger you turned on wifi and opened instagram. 40 likes. Dang in 20 minutes? Wow. You smiled to yourself and looked through your feed. Bunch of pics of the twitcam and TCA's from the other night.  You were about to turn off wifi cuz your mom called you down to do a load of laundry but you had a kik message. Hmm that was strange, you hadnt kik'd anyone for a while so you werent waiting for any reply. You closed instagram and opened up Kik. It was from a person by the username "Random" 

"Ok?" You were kinda creeped out.

The message read: "Hi um so i know u probably wont believe me because there are so many fakes but i saw your tweet on my livestream and your very beautiful and please dont tell anyone about this i reall dont want anyone to find out but i wanna talk to you and get to know you because twitter would be a mess to talk to on. so yea sorry for my rant but please reply eh? -niall"

"Haha" you laughed to yourself. Who could possibly be pranking me like this you thought. 

You replied: Haha very funny how would i ever be able to believe a person by the name "Random" lol.

He replied: Thank God you replied i was getting worried i said something wrong. Anyways you really dont believe me?

He sent a picture that  you havent ever seen before of Niall of him with a waffle lol silly. But then it hit you. Niall....NIALL HORAN. It was really him

You replied: Wow i dont really know what to say i dont really wanna fangirl because im afraid that will scare you away but omg its really you?!

He replied: Yep:)

He replied: Well anyway feels so nice to talk to you but im a pretty busy guy i gotta go do a soundcheck right now so ill talk to you later! x

-To be continued........

AN: Ok longer chapter for you guys. Hopefully that was satisfying. Ill try to update again when i can. Thats Chapter 2!

It Kind of All Started With A TwitcamWhere stories live. Discover now