Chapter 2: Spying.

Start from the beginning

My finger hovered over the send button. Should I... No... I don't want to seem like I'm waiting for her to text me... Ah, you're over thinking it again Styles. I tapped the send button, and then of course my brain instantly thought of her reaction. What if she thinks its rude? Or too short, Tyler was a high maintenance kind of girl... She liked classy and not...

Oh whatever.

I tried to push those thoughts from my head, and instead wondered what I could possibly do for three-and a half hours.

I should've gone with the lads and just came back when it was time, but now I'm stuck here.

But then again, what if Tyler really liked me too? That was really unlikely, but what if she did? What if she was waiting...

I had no idea what I was doing until I realized that I was no longer in my hotel room, but that I was in my car, heading to wherever the address she sent me led to. Now I'm going to seem like a real stalker.

But what about her security? Damn, I should've thought this through. Too late, I'm on the road.

When I reached her house I was surprised that the gates had been left open, maybe she told them that I was coming.

I parked my car near the front entrance and walked through the giant gates, half expecting for red lasers to shoot across the lawn and trigger an alarm like in the movies.

Sadly, no such thing happened.

I got to the front door, and before I could decide whether to knock, or just wait, or somehow sneak in through an open window, the twenty-foot monster was opened by a tall man in a suit. I stepped inside, careful not to make too much noise, and he swiftly shut the door behind me.

I barely had a chance to look at my surroundings when a small, plump old woman with gray hair tied up neatly in a bun approached me with a stern glare.

"I assume that you are Mr Styles?" She inquired with a pronounced, regal tone. I assumed that this was Tyler's old nanny Edith.

I nod slowly, trying not so seem rude. Edith could just as easily kick me out of this house, she was trusted by everyone. "Well, Miss Jones said that you wouldn't be coming until much later." Edith narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. I assume, from her point of view, I was some trouble maker trying to spend time with Tyler, whom she thought of as a granddaughter.

"I was, em, supposed to be here later but.. Uh..." I fumbled with my words, trying to come up with an excuse as to why I was here so early.

Edith continued to give me a death stare. "Miss Jones is doing her chores. She said you were coming at six... Do you like her?" She asked suddenly, and I didn't know how to respond.

"Yes, Miss, I do. I haven't known her for long but I do, and I would like to change that." Her face softened at the obvious truth in my voice. It felt good to say it aloud, almost like it confirmed my feelings.

"Well, alright. Don't get into trouble! Miss Jones is in the kitchen, left hallway, fifth door down." With that and a small smile, the little old woman sauntered off, heels click clacking against the tiles.

I follow her directions, heading off to the left hallway and counting five doors down. I stopped when I heard loud, horrible singing coming front the kitchen.

"You're that one that I want! The one that I want... Ho, ho, ho, HONEY!" It sounded kind of cute, in a strange way. I peeked through the door to find a frizzy haired blonde girl, standing over the sink, twisting and turning to music playing on her phone, wearing a tattered old T-shirt several sizes too big and blue gym shorts.

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