Chapter 1: Another Date.

Start from the beginning

Soon, I was actually able to run my fingers through my curly hair, and so I set upon brushing my teeth and applying makeup. After my mouth became minty, no longer tasted disgusting, and my face looked decent, I went into my closet to pick something out to wear.

My closet was every girl's dream. It was like a mini-boutique, every color, every design, it also helped that I had a personal designer.

After rummaging through a million drawers and racks, I ended up in a floral corset and a white bouncy skirt that fell just above my knees. Unlike many Hollywood actresses and singers, I wasn't extremely tall, and I wasn't skin and bones. I had natural curves, and a tiny waist that made me cringe. Most people would die to have a Barbie waist like mine, but that was just it, I looked like a Barbie, and I hated that. I hated that boys would look at me and that everyone would assume I was stupid and bubbly. So I made it a point to be the exact opposite of that around others.

I always spoke in long words, not so long that no one would understand, full sentences, and I corrected people's grammar. I was described as a know-it-all to most people.

I slipped silently out of my room, well, as silent as you can get being me, shut the door, and made my way to one of the two giant staircases that led downstairs.

My house always felt like a museum, filled with expensive things you couldn't touch. At least, most of the house looked like that.

I shuffled over to the giant door in the front, slipped on a pair of old caramel colored boots, and said a quick "Thank you," to the butler already opening the door for me.

Dates were one particular time my parents didn't send out security with me, and I decided instead of taking the limo I'd just drive my little bright red car. I actually had multiple cars, but this one was my favorite. I looked at the address on my phone, sent by my gracious mother, and set off through the gates to the little L.A diner.

The address ended up leading me to a little building labeled "Starlights Cafe". So I guess it wasn't a diner.

Parking my car at a spot already reserved for me, I grabbed my purse and sought out the entrance.

"Tyler Jones?!? OH MY GOD TYLER IM A BIG FAN!" I smiled at some of the girls, and guys, making large groups on the sides of the building. At least this place has security. It was a quaint little place, with rock-patterned walls, some of them even shimmered, and white trim. there was a large glowing sign that spelling out the name "Starlights Cafe," and bunches of plants surrounding the entrance.

I signed a few things, and took a few pictures before walking through the glass doors. I glanced around the room for whoever the hell I had the 'honor' of going out with. I didn't recognize any faces... Oh.

There he was, my date, it was Harry Styles. Figures. I hadn't been out with any of the boys from One Direction, I guess there's a first time for everything.

When he saw me his eyes widened, and his eyes almost immediately shot back down to his hands. Shy much? I thought Harry was the flirty one. Well, I really couldn't blame him. He's going out with a girl that turned down almost everyone in Hollywood. He's probably just hoping I won't get him kicked out. Poor thing.

At home, I was a total klutz, but anywhere outside of home, I walked with a straight back, long strides, and a confident smile.

I strolled over to our booth and took a seat. He was still looking down at his hands.

Snapping my fingers at his face, I asked, "Hello? Earth to Harry? I'm Tyler." I stuck out my hand, presumably for him to shake.

To my surprise, he did shake my hand. "I'm, s-sorry love. My name's Harry Styles." I giggled slightly at his stutter. "I'm surprised. I though you of all people would be cheeky and flirty." I stated, leaning back in my seat to look at his face more clearly.

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