Chapter 2

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I know the introduction is kinda weird, and sound like nerd but here comes the bad girl..

Enjoy ;)


“Hey baby, so how’s your test?”

Before I can even answer Jake(my new boyfriend), kisses me sloppily on the mouth. I just reply his kiss giving him a good time. After some whistles and woohoo’s from some audience, I break our kiss.

“It was okay. I’m just curious of what result I’ll get. Let’s not talk about this. Hmm, is tonight’s party still on?”

“Of course babe! We’re gonna partayh!!!” Everyone in my clique cheers and we walk to the parking lot. Just like old day. Some of the girls car pool to the mall, fancy girls using their parent’s wealth. I just don’t have the mood for all that stuffs today. I think I just know who to disturb now.

“Jack, I’m going back late cuz I have someone to meet before I head home. I’ll see you at the party then.”

“Alright. Make sure to dress up like a hottie, Vegas girl.”

“Okay. See ya tonight!” I kissed him lightly on the lips and walk towards the library. Maybe he’s there, reading or stacking books into shelves. When I see him, I sneak across the shelve his at. I slip in both of my hands through two books, and separate them so fast so I could see him, that makes him stop reading so focused.

“Boo yah!” He gasped and his fale turns slightly pale. That was so fun!

 “Oh my God! You should’ve seen your face just now! It was priceless!”

I laugh so hard that after I wipe some tears from my eyes, Liam is gone. Liam is my cousin, but he’s like my only family, my only brother, the only one I truly love.

“Liam?” “Liaaaaaaaaaammmmm, momma’s boy. Come out.” I jump into the Science and Medication section expecting he’s there but he’s not.

“You wanna play hide and seek my love, well, just know I’m gonna find you and you won’t be feeling so great by then.”

“Oh Liaaammm! Come ouuuuut!” My voice echoes through the library but I can’t even see his shadow. He’s good at this. I walk again towards the Fiction section when suddenly out of nowhere Liam jump onto me from the back. We fall down together accompanied by our historical laugh.

When I recover from the laugh, Liam is on top of me sighing and taking in oxygen as he ran out of them about a minute ago.

“Get off me you moron freak!” I get on my feet and sweeps off some dust on my jeans and on my butt.

“Wow, this is a nice view. I shall proudly announce that I’m enjoyed by your show Jennifer. Nice ass.”

I turn to him just to see him smirking at me.

“Really Liam? Pervert.”

I roll my eyes and approach the literature section. Liam follows me when he gets on his feet.

“The same place again Jenn? I don’t know why you really love poems and phrases that have the language of the cage man.” He makes a retarded face and I throw a book to him which passes his body and hits a table behind him.

“Missed.” he said.

“I purposely did that. Next time, I’ll aim your little friend.” My fingers dance gracefully through this ancient books to look for something interesting. I grab a book with a little worn cover and swept off some dust on it.

Bad Girl, Bad MateWhere stories live. Discover now