"Is not me you need to apologize stupid"

"Oh right....... So sorry for hurting you cheeks... Um"

"Oh sorry, my name is (name)"

"Nice to meet you, as you know my name's Isabel and that creepy looking blond guy, is Farlan"

"Hey! I'm not creepy"

You giggled "well its nice meeting you Isabel, Farlan, but I have to go, tomorrow I have school"

"Ok see you around" said Farlan

"I hope to see you again!" Said Isabel cheerfully

"Me too" you went to the door frame and turn around

"And Levi" he looks at you

"It was nice seeing you again" you smiled and locked the door

Farlan looks at Levi "again?"

Levi just tch and walks away.

They went to their house. Yes they have a house, that's why they wear ski-masks, so no one knows who it's the person stealing. They've stolen money to buy it.

Every day it was the same old routine. Get up, get dress, eat breakfast, and go to school and everyday your friends ask how are you dealing the whole 'a thief entered to your house' thing, you say your fine, but the truth is, your fantastic. Sure there thieves and all, but they are really nice, you talk a lot with Levi when you get home and did everything, also talk to Farlan and Isabel. They both told you how they meet and all, and they were quite surprised when they learned your age.

"How can a seventeen year old girl be friends with three famous thieves?" Asked Farlan

"Hahaha is alright, you guys do it to survive" and you smile at them

"Well, you two better go home and get ready to bed" said Levi

"Aww Levi-bro don't be a party pooper" said Isabel. Levi glared at her

"Ok ok" she looks at you "bye bye (name)"

You giggled "bye Isabel"

"See you tomorrow" said Farlan

"You too" and with that they both left

"Tch, they act like brats"

"Aww, but you care for them don't you?" You said while walking towards him. He looks at you and tch'ed

"You know that, since no one knows you're a thief, you can go to college and study, and then get a job"

Levi looks at you and raised an eyebrow

"How old do you think I am?"

"Umm 22?"

"No stupid, I'm 24"

"See, you can study and get a job"

"Why are you bringing this up?"

You sigh "Levi, you can't play the thief all your entire life"

He raised an eyebrow "you think I'm weak?"

"I never said that, is that, well, what if something bad happens, like you getting caught or Farlan or Isabel"

"They won't, they might act like brats, but they listing"

"But Levi--"

"I have to go"

He turn "Levi wait" he stopped but doesn't look at you "just think about it"

He tch'ed and left.

A week past

You were outside again, waiting Levi, Farlan, and Isabel. You saw a shadowy figure. You got up

"Levi?" The figure came to the light, yes it was him, and you got closer to him

"Hey Levi" you look around "where's Farlan and Isabel?"

You look at Levi in the eyes and saw sadness

"Levi?" he looks at you

"(Name)-" his voice sounded weird

He hugged you, you tens a little but then hug him back

"You were right, I should have stopped, I should have listen to you"

"Levi, what are you talking about?"

(Levi's flash black)

The three of us were running from the police since we just robbed a bank, hey we have to pay the bills. When all of the sudden I hear shoots. They are shooting

"This way!" I said to Farlan and Isabel

We managed to escape, when all if the sudden

Bang bang

I look behind me Farlan and Isabel were shoot

"No!" I went to them

"Levi go!" Farlan said

"THIS WAY!" Said a police

"Please Levi-bro, save yourself"

"I'm not leaving you two" I said

"It's too late for us go!"

"Go with (name)" said Isabel

(Name) she's not going to like this

With a heavy heart I left, I left and looked for (name)

(End of Levi's flash back)

Normal POV

"Their dead!" Your eyes were wide, and then you felt something warm on your shoulders

"Th-their dead and it's because of me! *sniffle* damn it! You were right!"

You hug Levi tighter holding your own tears "it's alright Levi, let it all out"

"I didn't want to leave them but they told me to get you" he back up and looks at you "and so here I am"

"I'm so sorry Levi, I really am-" and the last part your voice cracked and Levi hugs you "now is your turn, let it out" and so you did, you cried, heavy sobs were the only thing you could hear

"I'm sorry *sob* I'm so sorry Levi" Levi hugs you tighter "it's alright, it's my fault, not yours"

You two separated from the hug and then something super shocking happens. Levi was pinned at the floor by two police men.

"LEVI!" You went to help him but a police man wraps his arms around you so you couldn't move

"Levi Ackerman, you are under arrest for all of your crimes" said a male voice; you turn your head and saw the person who said it




Please enjoy :D

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