Chapter Twenty Two

Start from the beginning

“You’re willing to leave me just like mom and dad did?” she whispered “Why can’t you just go back. I’m sure it’ll work out”

“I can’t”

“You know what I don’t care. If you want to kill yourself because you’re too afraid to fight for your man then I feel sorry for you. Go ahead. Make yourself suffer. But I promise you I will not stick around to watch it”

“Anna!” I called out but she already turned on her heels and stormed out of the room. I called again but to no avail. The tears begun to rush out of my eyes faster than my brain could process. I slumped down on the floor weeping mindlessly. I felt someone’s arms snake around me.

“Shhh.. it’s okay honey” uncle Landon cooed “Everything will be fine”

“How?” I asked unsure about anything

“Because you’re strong enough to overcome anything the world throw at you.” He said stroking my hair

“I don’t feel so strong” I murmured against his chest.

“Honey you’re an Alpha. You just need to find the alpha in you. You know you remind me off your father. Even though we were from different packs we were pretty good friends. He used to always boast about how powerful he was, then one day he when he met your mom he asked her out but she turned him down. He came to us in tears saying that his mate rejected him. He was groaning about how the world was going to end. But it turned out well in the end. He never gave up even when he wanted to.”

“But he didn’t have to witness his mate fucking another girl, or walk in to them making out on a kitchen counter”

“My point is Lina don’t let trivial things pull you away from a happy life. Don’t let it keep you from having your mate”

I groaned and buried my face in my hands. “This werewolf life is so fucked up” I said. He chuckled and stood up

“Well I’m going to see if Stacey wears granny panties” he said wriggling his eyebrows

“Ewww Uncle Landon I could’ve gone my whole life without that image in my head.”

“Don’t worry my little virgin niece when you go back to your mate you’ll know how it is” I turned red with that thought

“Aunt Stacey; Uncle Landon is being a pervert” I shouted/whined to her

“Landon baby come be perverted with mama” Aunt Stacey called causing me to groan loudly.

“Coming dear” he called leaving me alone in the kitchen.

I walked out to the pond that was situated in the forest a little way from the house. I sat on a large rock just looking out into the water. There was a mother duck swimming around with her ducklings trailing behind her, bird sang happily in the trees. There was a sound of complete ease. I felt so calm and tranquil out here. Like I can think clearly without the fog.

  Can you please talk to me? I called to my wolf, but I was greeted with complete silence

Please. I tried again. Still nothing but the quiet that surround me.

Okay fine don’t talk, but at least listen. I can’t do this without you. I could’ve never done this without you. I wouldn’t have been able to survive this far. You’ve been my rock when I had to listen to Peter love another woman. You made up my two woman army. Well one considering that you’re me. I wouldn’t have had the courage to witness what it was like to have a mate if you didn’t lead me to that sorry ass place. I wouldn’t have challenged Rosie without knowing that you were there to back me up all the way. So if this is the end for us, I just want to say thank for always being with me.

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