Life in a Small Town

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So, picture this: a small town girl falling for 'Mr. Popular'..except this isn't your average "Happily Ever After", but let's get into the story. This girl, she has medium length bright electric blue hair, half-shaved head, ears pierced, nose pierced, and lip pierced; you could say she liked getting things stabbed into her skin. She was about 5'4", very tan, and had a 'Punk Rock/Hipster' vibe to her. She has dark brown eyes, and a gorgeous smile. This girl was quiet around new people, but loud around her friends.

'Mr. Popular' was the average movie star popular boy. He had short dirty blonde hair, that kind of spiked yet was subtle. He was about 6' and loved to wear his expensive cowboy boots, a lot. He was almost as tan as the girl, but not quite that dark. This boy had no piercings, nor was he really loud, to some people he seemed to be an obnoxious jerk, of course. He wore name brand clothes, like American Eagle, and never really dated anyone, but boy did he have his flings. This boy always dated the movie star popular girls, long blonde hair, pretty face, obnoxious AS FUCK...until last year, on December 1st, these two had never said a word to each other. That's how these start out huh...story time:

On December 1st, these two had a class together, Ecology, where they got partnered up to do a presentation for the class. In this presentation they had to pick an animal that was endangered and write all these boring things and blah blah blah who cares about that part right? So anyways, the teacher, Mr. D, is saying all these names that are together when suddenly he says "Small town girl, your partner is Mr. Popular." (of course these aren't their actual names but we don't need those right now..) Every guy in the class is going "ooolala" and making kissing noises, until Mr. Popular says to "Shut up!"

Mr. D: "Now remember everyone, these are due on Wednesday so you have 3 days, including today."

Everyone gets their computers, and find open tables. Small town girl starts looking up animals, when suddenly Mr. Popular closes her computer lightly and looks her in the eyes... she looks up into his eyes with a 'wtf' expression(we all know the one), he leans in and says "You have the prettiest eyes you know", then smiled at her.

She smirks, "Thanks?"

He looks questioningly at her and says "Is that a question?"

She laughed softly, "No, it's just we've never talked and the first words you say are complimenting my"

"We've talked before"


"We've talked before"


"The first day of class, one of my friends pushed me into you..and I turned around to say I was sorry..but--"

"But then I said, "Watch it fucker.""

"Yeah, see you remember", He smirked.

"Yeah I guess I do.." The girl laughed slightly

The boy gets shy, "Well if it counts for anything, I'm sorry..I never got to say it before"

"It's okay, sorry I was so rude.."

"No worries beautiful" He smiles

"..We should get back to work"

"Well class only has like 10 minutes left.. you wanna come to my house after school and we can work?"

"Um sure, yeah why not"

"Perfect" He smiled, winking at her, "See you then"

"Yeah" She blushed.

Mr. Popular gets up, walks away, and leaves the girl wondering what just happened.


3:14 shows on the clock. The girl had just texted her friend that she wouldn't be hanging out today, because she had a school project to work on after school. The friend replies:

Life in a Small Town Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now