Faith in Me: Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

Silas pursed his lips. "Well, I don't want you to read it just yet. I want to read it together with you when we can get back together, you know?" Confused, Janie knit her brows together. "Read it together?"

"Yeah. One day when the band and I get big, I don't want to forget my roots, y'know? Even if all there is to remember was things I couldn't do, ditching school, and talking to you. Nobody's going to know about that shit, Tweety. So keep it with you. Take it to England. And when you can, in like, I dunno, ten years, come back to me. Promise you will."

"I promise, Silas."

Janie felt someone kick her leg, jolting her out of her memory. Nostalgia filled her as she sighed, then started rubbing her temples as her headache came back. "Stop zoning out, you bitch. Aren't you suppose to be helping me with your problem?"

"Sorry Mel, but I don't know what to do except to tell him."

"That's going to go great!" Mel snorted. "Hey Silas, it's me, Janie. I just wanted to drop by and say I lost your treasured Diary of a Prepubescent Teen." Mel mocked in a annoying tone.

Janie scowled. "Okay first of all, that doesn't even sound like me. Second,

prepubescent teen? I was seventeen and he was eighteen. Get your facts straight."

"I don't know why anyone would take that shit, if it was me I would of thrown it away. Heck, I wouldn't even have taken the time to read the title. In a club too! So I'd most likely puke over it, then throw it away." Melody grinned.

Moaning, Janie stuffed her face in a pillow and screamed her frustration. Melody patted her knee lovingly as she tried to encourage her. "It's okay, just tell him. He probably won't care anyways. You'll see babe. Mama Mel is always right." Janie gave her a knowing look. Mel sighed and rolled her eyes. "Okay, well most of the time Mama Mel is right. But that's as low as I'm going!"


After much discussion-more like none-, Janie boarded on the next flight to L.A. Flying coach was a disaster itself. Sitting next to a overly friendly overweight middle aged man and a scary serial killer looking man, Janie didn't sleep a wink for the six hour flight. As she settled into the stiff chair and tucked herself as close to herself as possible, she let her mind drift off into another memory.

"Janie. Janie. Jaaaaanie." Silas sang, skateboarding around her as they walked home. Silas walked her home every day since they were next door neighbors. Janie looked up at her tall best friend, noting the brightness of his eyes today. His hair needed a serious trim, it was getting in his eyes. By the smile on his face, he looked excited. A small smile worked its way onto her face. "What's up, Silly?" she asked, tucking a strand of hair behind her head. Silas made a funny face at the use of her nickname for him.

"Mom and Dad want you over tonight. Ask your mom if it's cool. We're planning on Chinese tonight after Mom gets through with her experiment." He came to a halt, picking up his skateboard and slinging an arm around her. From her shoulder, she felt heat seep through her, filling her with a fuzziness that made her crave for more.

"You know my mom doesn't care, Silly." she muttered, tipping her head down to hide her blush behind her curtain of blonde waves.

"Yeah, I know Tweety." Silly replied softly. "But it doesn't hurt to try, right?"

The subject stung, making her imagine what her mother was doing right now. Probably out with the new boyfriend. What was it, her fourth one this year? A new record. She snorted.

"Hey, Tweety. Stay positive. The girl I know stays positive and keeps her head up. Don't lose that girl. That's my girl." Silas whispered. The blush was definitely there now, making her whole face flame. She bet she resembled a tomato.

Faith in Me: A Rock Star RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now