Smirking to herself, Mia was quite proud of the riddle she had composed. How long would it take for someone to crack the riddle? To look for someone who walked with their head held low? Mia didn't know where he came from, but here at the Alexandrettia everyone kept their noses pointed towards where they were going, so it wouldn't be hard to find the one person who didn't – the only one who also happened to not be a legal member of the school, but still went there every day. A person who matched the male description of the handwriting and had the proper age...

It was the perfect plan, but Mia knew it also had a downside; Eli would hate her forever for exposing him, but then again, why should she care? She had what she needed for her art project, she was done with him. And besides, despite the cruelty in the way she decided to expose him, she was actually doing him a favor; Science had big money, especially if you had a big brain. Eli looked like someone who could use a buck or two, so getting discovered could potentially mean big things for him. Scientists were always trying to get discovered, so if you looked at it this way, she was actually helping him.

Even if he wouldn't see it that way, it would pay out for everybody anyway; Mia would get the satisfaction of sweet retaliation, Eli would get discovered and probably get a job somewhere nice, a place better than mopping the floor, and the Alexandrettia could finally go back to its normal, quiet school days where everyone wasn't obsessing over a mysterious genius.

All in all, there was no downside. At least not one Mia needed to concern herself with.

She was walking down the hall, quite happily in her own mind-bubble of vengefulness, when all of a sudden, a sight caught her attention out of the corner of her eye, causing her to pause up - and just like that, all of her urges for revenge dissolved into thin air.

Standing in the hallway, some fifteen feet away from her, was Eli, face deep in an argument with the head janitor about something she barely caught the brunt of – all because of the little attachment clutching onto his hand; a little girl.

Mia completely froze up, both inside and out. The little girl was adorable. Barely reaching Eli to his thigh, she held onto his hand, seemingly uninterested and unbothered by the harsh conversation Eli was having with the janitor.

"...couldn't leave her home alone. I can't afford a fucking nanny thanks to the fine you guys shoved up in my face, so you better find a goddamn place where she can be while I wax your fucking floors."

"Listen, young man, this is a pristine school, not a daycare—"

"She's five, for Christ's sake. She's not going to shit on your golden furniture. Just find a fucking place where she can be for one day until I can find a nanny. One. Day."

The head janitor sighed and pinched his nose before looking down at the little girl. Mia followed his lead; She was a beautiful little cupcake with golden, curly hair down to her shoulders, and apple cheeks pink like the fluffy princess dress she was wearing. She wore pink tights on her legs and a pair of ballet slippers on tiny feet, both looking a little old and worn out, though. Her face however, radiated and reminded Mia of a doll, and her eyes were the color of perfectly brewed camomile tea; She looked like a mini-version of Cinderella.

The head janitor finally sighed one last time, and Mia couldn't help but notice his features soften as he looked at the little beauty, saw her looking up at him with her big doe eyes. "Alright, maybe we can figure something out..." He yielded, after another moment of thought.

Genius (CENTURIES series: Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now