Austin sighed softly and turned his head, looking at me. I knew he wanted to ask questions, I could tell by the look in his eyes, the way he bit his lip a little bit. He wanted to say something, but he was either holding himself back for good reasons, or he couldn't think of a way to ask, but then he finally did.

"Has your dad ever hit you before?"

I let out a little groan and rolled my eyes. Was he really still on this? I didn't want to answer his question, but I had a feeling he was going to continue until he finally got his answers.

"No, he hasn't. He's never hit me, my brothers nor my sister, and I'm pretty sure it was my fault for setting him off like that." I said, crossing my arms. Of course I didn't believe that I deserved what I got, but I do believe that I was the reason dad was set off the way he was. I had pushed him to the limit and pissed him off.

"Why would he-"

"Look, can we not talk about this anymore? I get that you care, and I really appreciate that, but I came here to forget about today, to no longer think about what happened, but your questions and wanting to know things isn't exactly helping anything." I snapped, cutting him off. Austin smirked, drinking from his cup.

"I really like this side of you Alan, it's really hot." He told me, and my cheeks and ears turned red, causing me to advert my eyes from him and look down at the concrete. I'd never been called hot before, and it was certainly a whole different experience when it came from him. It made me feel flustered and like I was floating on some sort of cloud while I forced away a smile.

He called me hot.

Before I could say anything, the sliding door opened and a very drunk and disoriented Shay came stumbling through with a very annoying whiny voice.

"Austin!" He called out, stumbling over to us. "Baby, I want to go home." He said, a pout on his face. Jealousy bubbled up inside my stomach at that stupid nickname, and why, I had no clue.

Austin sighed and rolled his eyes, standing up as he set his cup on the ground. He grabbed Shay as he nearly fell to the ground in a giggling mess.

"How much did you have to drink?" Austin asked, trying to straighten Shay out who kept giggling and getting a little too touchy feely.

"Only like...three to ten drinks, not that many, but I thought you loved it when I was drunk baby, you said it makes me feel so much better." Shay slurred, his hands wandering up and down Austin's chest.

"I've never said that," Austin said, rolling his eyes. "Look, I'm going to call Justin to come and pick you up, okay?"

"No! I-I want you to take me home, and to my bed, know." Shay said, trying to be seductive and lean up to kiss Austin's neck, but he held him away at arms length causing me to snort.

"I can't take you home, my dad has my car," Austin said, sitting Shay down on the chair beside me. He pulled out his phone and stepped a little ways from us so he could speak to whoever. Shay turned and looked at me, glaring.

"I don't really like you, you know," he said, his voice hard and cold. "You're too... bleh. Like, you and my friend, Justin, have the same exact hair colour, but he pulls it off so much better."

"Okay?" I questioned, not really knowing what to say. Sure I would have been offended, but he was drunk, and a drunk man's words may have been a sober man's thoughts, but why should I be bothered by him? He wouldn't remember a single thing in the morning.

"I don't know what Austin sees in you. You're all he basically talks about and I hate," Shay said, scoffing. He opened his mouth to speak again, but Austin came back, swooping down to help Shay up.

"Justin's here already, time for you to go," Austin said and helped walk Shay towards the door, but before they left, Austin turned to me and said, "I'll be back in a second!" and then the door closed, leaving me to be alone.

Had what Shay said been really true? Was I seriously the one thing Austin talked about all the time? I don't see why, though. We didn't really know each other, but that didn't stop him from flirting and being all nice. But I didn't see what Shay's problem towards me was actually. I mean, it was more than obvious that he liked Austin, but Austin seemed so oblivious and acted like he was in a whole other world when he was around Shay, or just anyone else, really.

Sighing, I ran fingers through my hair and decided I wouldn't think too much about it, or anything else for that matter. I just wanted to drink, have a good time and possibly make up the next morning with or without a hangover.


yes, this is one of those stories where Shay is like one of the bad guys, but hey, he makes good for the part.


but seriously, thank you, all you- the commentors and voters, you people are the best in the entire world.

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