chapter two-BRYNN.

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He sat on his bed, unable to focus on anything. Something felt wrong from the second he woke up. Maybe he was just extremely nervous. Tiredly, he reached for his phone to check the time. 11:38. He has to finish this poem before his girlfriend gets here.
As he sat there, writing the beautiful words, he couldn't help but think about Brynn. What if he was making a mistake? What if his girlfriend really isn't the one and it was Brynn all along? Honestly, he thought about her while scribbling romance nonsense. Ripping up another piece of paper and throwing it into the trash can, he loudly sighed. Today was four years. Four years since Brynn left him. Four years since the end of his life. Or maybe the beginning? It might be better to be optimistic, but how do you be optimistic when you can't stop thinking about her?
It's Autumn. He always imagined he'd spend every autumn with her.
Reassuring himself, he confidently said "Ayden. You don't miss her. You got over her three years ago when you met Kayla. You're going to marry Kayla, and be happy. Eventually you'll even forget the name Brynn."
It didn't help. He still thought about how they met in Autumn, he asked her to be his in Autumn, they said I love you in Autumn under the beautiful cherry tree behind her house. They always said they'd get married there, right in the backyard in front of the cherry tree... In the Autumn.
It was kind of their thing. He would call her his autumn and she would call him her autumn. It was so overused that it wasn't even a word to either of them anymore, or maybe it just had no meaning other than love.
And secretly, he wondered if she left because she was over him. He knew she had great potential at college and that she was going places. They never really talked about it either. College, the future. It scared him, and it scared her. The thought of losing each other was the worst feeling in the world.
This was the first time in a few months that he's thought about her. Ayden got over it and fell in love with Kayla. They avoided talking about autumn, and she knew very little about Brynn. There really wasn't much to know, either. The whole relationship went by so fast, he still wonders if it was all a dream he's had before.
Now it's 12:03. The doorbell rings, and Ayden takes a deep breath, quickly reaching over for the small box in his drawer.

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