"August, I told you to put your clothes in the hamper." Kaya whined as she went to go pick them up.

"Kaya please don't start bitchin." August said annoyed as he started to brush his teeth.

"Excuse me?" Kaya said taken back.

"I don't feel like hearin yo ass complain bout simple shit"

"If it was simple, you should've been done it." Kaya snapped.

"Chill wit dat shit. Go back ta sleep or sum." August said trying to make her leave.

Kaya rolled her eyes and placed his clothes in the hamper but not before she seen the blood on his clothes.

"Aug I really need to talk to you about something." Kaya said.


"Well Rayne came by." Kaya said really getting his attention.


"She said --you beat her?"

"What?" August said confused.

He was really over Rayne's shit and wanted nothing more than to end her life right now.

"That's the same thing I said." Kaya said sighing.

"Don't balee' dat bitch." August spat. "Plus I'm already dealin wit dis new nigga dat jus came outta no whea."


"Ion. I think it was Ron or sum shit." August said shrugging.

Kaya nodded her head ass she watched August put on his clothes.

Something was right and she was going to find out.



"Didn't I tell yo dumbass not to fuck wit her." Riley spat as his right fit came in contact with my eye.

"I'm sorry!" I screamed as I held my eye.

"Why the fuck you do it?" He asked.

"I thought it'll be a good idea." I said shrugging.

"A good idea?" Riley laughed pushing me into the wall.

"Yeah. I thought if I told her about August, she'd leave him and you could go back to her."

"Go back to her? Bitch I'm dead to her! I died three years ago! I knew I should've brought her with me." Riley yelled punching the wall.

I never knew why Kaya was attracted to him.

Yeah he was cute, but he had serious anger issues.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

Pharaoh walked through the door with a grin on his face.

"Riley you not gone believe this shit." Pharaoh said.


"I think I know who robbed you."

"Who!" Riley yelled stepping away from him.

"That nigga Kyle. He just got outta jail as soon as you left and his bond was one mill. Kaya had to be apart of it." Pharaoh said repeating the same thing he told me a few weeks ago.

Riley shook his head. "Nah, Kaya would never do that to me."

"Don't be too sure."

"Nah, Kaya a doctor. She got her own money and bailed him out as soon as I left." Riley said in denial.

I rolled my eyes.

I didn't care what they did to Kaya as long as her and August weren't together when they were finished.

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