Little red isnt so innocent. Part 1

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Todays the day. Today I will get the wolf. He's my senpai, even if he doesn't know it. Twelve months ago when I moved here with my mother to help my nana I noticed him. I was walking along the forest trail to my nana's when I noticed that every now and then a wolf would show up. He was handsome beyond any boy I had ever had feelings for.

He wore leather pants and had no shirt, which I definitely didn't care about, and had such a bad boy feeling about him. He had piercings and god damn was he hot, for being a human hybrid anyways. He would stop me and ask where I was going. Always the same questions well they were for the first few times I ran into him. "Where are you going?" "Why are you alone?" "What's your name?" "Whats in the basket?" so on and so forth.

Though on the sixth or seventh week of us being there and of me going to see her his questions changed. "How old are you?" "Are you really a boy?" "Whats your favorite things?" He would follow me through the forest asking me all sorts of questions. When we would reach my nana's he would wait for me then ask me more questions walking me back home.

Last month though he left. "I'll be back." he had said to me as we walked back to my home. "I promise to return as fast as I can." We were quiet till we got to my home then he waited for me to walk in and left. The weeks following were odd and to peaceful. Then I was bad. Walking through the forest back home my friend decided he needed to pop up.

Getting a boner while walking alone in a forest full of hybrid animals was not good at all. I basically ran home but not before I ran into a scrap of cloth that smelled like him. I had ran face first into the cloth and immediately grabbed it. I had raced inside of the house thanking god that my mother wasn't there and made my way quickly to my room.

I proceeded to cover my nose and mouth with the cloth and undid my pants. I slid my member out and started to jack myself off moaning as images of him flooded into my head. I imagined him running his hands along my body. I rolled over onto my knees keeping the cloth near my nose and stuck three fingers into my mouth and sucked on them. I pushed the fingers into my ass and moaned loudly. That night was amazing but the next day I could hardly look him in the eye when he showed up.

But today I want him. I pull on a pair of red skinny jeans and a grey shirt with a red hood. Its one of my favorite outfits. I got everything I needed and walked out into the woods. I walked till I came to a meadow and sat down in the flowers and waited. I didn't have to wait long till I felt movement behind me and turned to see him crouched low in the grass. "Aww I can't ever sneak up on you." he complained loudly. I laughed and pated the grass besides me and he walked up and sat down.

I laid back and he copied me then I turned to face him. He kept looking up at the sky so I moved closer slightly. 'God I'm so nervous.' I thought to myself then rolled on top of him. He looked at me confused and I blushed which he seemed to love. He reached a hand up and ran a thumb across my cheek, tracing the blush, "Red what are you doing?" he asks me and I look down then move slowly and kiss him.

He doesn't respond so I grab his hands and move them down to my hips. He freezes up as I grid myself against his hips then I pull back. Not to far but far enough that I can see his face. He's blushing and has his eyes closed. "Wolf..." I breath and he opens his eyes slowly, as if he's waiting for a slap or something. I look him in his blood red eyes then feel his tail run along my leg.

I frown when I see his terrified eyes and crawl off of him. He stays frozen for a little while longer then slowly sits up and takes my hand. I stand up and he lets go. I turn and walk to the edge of the meadow and look back. He's not watching me he's just sitting in the middle of the flowers looking at the sky.

I huff and walk into the forest not caring where I go. When I get to a stream I walk into it and up the stream then walk out of it. My boots are wet but I keep walking. After a while I hear sticks snapping and leaves moving. "Go away Wolf. Please." I call out as I continue to walk. There's a deep laugh and I turn around to see a very well built man standing behind me. "Little red little red...." he calls and my skin crawls.

He starts to walk towards me and I back up into a tree but he keeps walking towards me. He gets right in front of me and I slide down so I'm sitting. "I saw you the other day little red. I saw you get a boner, then I saw him reject you." he growls and gets down to my eye level. "Little red, he doesn't deserve you. He left you to be with a woman." he says and leans closer then runs a hand down my cheek wiping away the tears.

He runs his other hand down my side to my waist then scoops me up into his arms. "Let me make things better my red." he coo's into my ear. I nod slowly and he starts to carry me somewhere. I close my eyes and feel his warmth. He takes me to a cave then walks in and sets me down on the bed. "Little red let me help you." he says with a seductive voice and hands me a cup of water. I nod and drink the water then lean back feeling his hands work with taking my boots off.

Once hes done with my boots he moves up to my jeans. I look down at him and watch him unbutton them. He slides them down and off along with my shorts then moves up to my shirt and slowly slides it off. He places a hand on either side of my head and looks down at me. "Little red let me fix this mess that wolf has made." he growls softly into my ear.

I nod and he runs a hand down my body then leans down and starts to kiss my neck. I moan and he grabs my thigh. "What.....what is" I ask between gasps and moans. "Call me bear, call me master." he growls and bites my shoulder. I moan loudly and throw my head back.

"Get your hands off of him." I hear suddenly but Bear just sits up and smiles. "Ah Wolfie come to take your little red back?" I feel woozie and odd. "I said get your dirty hands off of him." I sit up then fall back and blink a few times. 'Everything is becoming hazy.' I think then hear growls. Then there's yelping and bear is gone replaced with Wolf.

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