Chapter 1

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From the private papers of Princess Agnes:

Dear journal,

I write by the mere light of my candle flickering in this inn. I've been hiding out here for weeks from god knows what. Daddy and Mother spoke nothing to me but riddles. As well as my butler Fitzgerald or rather Fitz for short. He was an older man. He looked younger than he was actually. He'd been caring for me since I was born. Tomorrow is my 16th birthday and Fitz has told me, I should be able to return home for my birthday ball. As excited as I was I knew one thing that the others had kept from me. This was to be my engagement ball. To that awful creature known as Sir Campbell Rolf. He truly made me sick. He was self centered and a pompous jerk. We had been betrothed before I was born. He was at least 20 years older than me. But it was my duty as princess to marry him. His family was noble and would be able to aid us in any way after our bond in matrimony. How I wish it wasn't so. I wish I could be with the boy I met for only a second when I was younger.


One day mother and daddy and I were going to the carnival down in the village. Our castle is right next to the ocean. I had dragged Fitz to the edge of the water. I always loved the sea. I was never allowed to go near it except for when the carnival was around. While my parents mingled with the commoners. Fitz and I sat in the sand. And yes I sat in the beautiful ball gowns that I owned. Right in the sand. And I didn't care in the least. Cause for one day I was free. We were watching the celebrating ships on the water as they danced and sang. I had to be the age of about 13 when I saw him. The music from the court band was heard loudly from behind us. Fitz had closed his eyes and was bopping his foot along the the beat of the music. I looked down the shore. Towards what was known as the wrecking rocks to sailors because it sunk many ships during bad storms. And there on the top of the rock I saw a boy. Couldn't have been much older than me. I got up and started walking towards him slowly. Checking to make sure Fitz Wasn't paying attention. I took off down the shore hiking my skirt up. This was the first time I ever ran. My breath was ragged and heavy when I reached the start of the rocks.

'You there!' I remember shouting,' Boy what ever are you doing up


'Shh Princess you ain't want to be makin ruckus now would ya?' He motioned toward Fitz sitting a little ways down the beach still oblivious to me leaving him. His accent I'd never heard before. Probably because I never left the castle. I knew how to speak fluently in French and English. But his accent was quire.

'Whats your name boy? You obviously know mine, for you called me princess'

'I know not your name only your face for it is the face of ampearl from the deepest part of the ocean and must only belong to a Princess' he began to climb down the rock. But it seemed as though he knew where the secrets to the rock lied. He glided effortlessly down the side of the rock and was in front of me in only seconds. He had shaggy black hair that swept across his brow drawing attention to his eyes. Which at fist I thought were pure black but when the lamp lights behind us illuminated his feature I saw that they were as blue as the deepest depths of the ocean. Dirt sneered his clothes and face. His once white shirt was a yellowish brown. His black pants and boots were worn. 'The names Alan. And you my angel?'

'A-A-A-Agnes' I stuttered. I had never even been this close to my own mother. His nose was almost touching mine. His eyes studying me over.

Hope, Love, and...Pirates?!?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora