Ned Stark then without a word stood up and in a hushed voice whispered to Robert.

"That is my daughter your grace, Lyanna Snow." 

The king just nodded absently to the Lord of Winterfell and then he helped the girl on her feet, Jaime didn't hear what he said but Robert just kissed the girl's knuckles and then turned his attention to Lord Stark's family.

Jaime saw the change in Catelyn Stark's expression when her husband told the king that the girl is a Snow, a bastard. He had heard rumours after the war that the ever honourable Ned Stark brought home a bastard but he never thought that the child was a girl, no, he looked again at the girl and noticed the young man with dark hair beside her, if the man could have been a girl he would have thought that the two were twins. Wait, boy- girl. Ned Stark had twin bastards.

He almost laughed at it, twins especially with different sexes were a very rare thing in the seven kingdoms, as far as he knows, he and Cersei were one of the most prominent twins in Westeros and now he found another pair. He wondered if the two had the same intimacy that he felt for his sister, if the two also though themselves as two halves of a whole.

The girl turned her head towards him, their eyes meet- her grey eyes and his jades. As he saw the orbs, he felt himself drowning. She looked at him with question and he realized that he had been staring at her for too long that he didn't even notice her sister and the children come down from the wheel house. He looked away.

He heard Robert and Ned talking about going to the crypts and his sister telling him that they have to rest. Robert didn't mind her and was almost dragging Lord Stark to the direction of the crypts. Jaime clenched his fist as he felt that Robert had embarrassed her sister in front of the northerners.

He jumped out of his horse and gave it to the stable boy who approached him, people were starting to scatter.

"Where's our brother?" He then glanced over his shoulder and saw Cersei clutching her fur shawl tighter, the weather in the north was far more colder than the South and for several days of travel, the days were very gloomy here and Jaime wondered how people here survived in the almost greying wasteland. But when he thought of the word "grey" his mind conjured the image of the Snow girl looking at him in question.

"I shall look for him." That was the only words he said and turned his way towards the nearest brothel he can find, he heard Tyrion asking the guards earlier about the brothels here in the North and he had heard them talking about a whore named Ros and that his brother should try her.

On the corner of his eye, he saw the Lyanna Snow and the eldest child of Lord and Lady Stark; he noticed that the girl flinched as the young man touched him. She does not seem to be afraid but he felt that the girl doesn't want to talk to her older sibling. People had dispersed and only the royal convoy stayed there, his sister and the others is nowhere to be found, Lady Stark might have showed them their chambers.

"-stop this Robb, I don't want to talk to you..." the girl's voice was hushed but he can hear it from where he is standing.

"-Lya, please...." Robb Stark tried to touch her again but she moved away, Jaime out of nowhere decided to butt in to their small argument.

"Is your brother bothering you my lady?" He said, although the girl was no Lady, Jaime had noticed that the girl held herself as any highborn lady does. Ned Stark may have loved his daughter so much that he may have assigned a septa to teach her nobility and etiquette.

The two looked at him in surprise, and if Jaime were a match, he thought that he would have burn at the anger that accompanied the surprise in the Stark boy's gaze. Lyanna opened her mouth to speak but closed it again before clearing her throat and finally speaking to him.

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