The Female Bodyguard...Chapter 16 (Old)

Start from the beginning

Tyler grunted in response.

“But to answer your question, we’ve had a little miss understanding. That is all.”

“Then why is she crying?” Andy asks, looking very dumb.

“Because dumb ass, I just dissed her family. Unknowingly of course. But, nothing big.”

“How do you diss someone’s family without knowing?” Andy asks.

“I didn’t know those people were her family.”

“But why did you diss them?”

“Because I just did.”

“But why?”

“Because I did Andy. If you really wanna know, me and Yasmin are half sisters! Now shut up!”

Brodie looked shocked, and Tyler mirrored his expression.

“What? How are you two sisters?”

“Half-sisters.” I corrected.

Tyler shook his head. “Half sisters, sisters whatever.  How, is what I want to know?”

Sighing, I sat up from Yasmin and walked over to the couch, dusting my jeans off as I went.

“Because, you know how I told you about my mum? And my dad?”

He shook his head.

“Long story short, my dad didn’t like my mum at the end, and hooked up with Yasmin’s mum while he was still with my mum.”

There was an awkward silence while the boys just looked at us with pity.

“Hooked up? Is that what you call it? My mother and father are happily in love! He hasn’t even looked at out maid Fern in ages!”

“Fern? Is she the new Yessica? You know the one he had a secret affair with and has a child you think is someone else?” I say coldly.

She glares back. “No! She is not! She’s my old nanny and there’s nothing wrong with that! He used to, but after I confronted him, he promised he’d stop.”

I nodded. “Yep, that’s what happened to me. And look how my life turned out! I’m seventeen! And works as a body guard with a kid sister! I was turned out! And I’m guessing, you’re next.

She narrows her eyes and storms away.

“Harsh girl. Just harsh.” By then, Brodie had came and sat next to my, my feet in his lap. I sat up and punch him, making his nose bleed.

“Remember that threat? It still exists.”

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