An Everlasting Promise

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{Max's POV}

It was a regular Saterday afternoon, me and my twin brother were walking to the park near our house. The park was our regular hangout spot on Saterdays like this one, the sun was blazing up in the sky above, giant puffy clouds also filled the beautiful light blue sky. Every once and awhile Joseph would point at a cloud a say how it would look like someone or something, Joseph always was the brother who would comfort you when you needed it most. I was the brother who liked to finish my work, more than trying to sugar coat everything like Joseph does for the 5th graders at school. But, because we are twins we could never be told apart, our friends would mistake me for Joseph and him for me, it happens so often we even forget our own names at times. But, over the years we have come to ignore it and just accept that no one could tell us apart, except each other. We had finally made it to the Willow Tree, the bark was bent into a bench and that is where we would sit and look out upon the hillside. "Bruder." I looked to my left, my brother looking over the top towards the village, "Vhat is it bruder are jou feeling alright." He turns his head to look at me, his round black rimmed glasses hung loose on his face. "Do jou promise never to leave, I don't vant jou to go to America. Ich vill be alone." He looked at me with sad eyes, I smiled at him and said, "Don't vorry Joseph I vont leave till necessary, ich promise. Und plus, if ich leave I vant jou to come vith me." He looked at me, shock plastered across his adorable face.

{Joseph's POV}

Max smiled at me, "Are jou sure, vat if i just get in jour vay und distract jou from vork." He smiled sadly at me and said, "Meine bruder, jou couldn't distract me. Jou are zhe reason Ich am going to America, i vill save up enough money to get a better home for jou und mutter." He scooted closer to me and held my hand in his, we knew that we would not be together forever. We would one day part ways and live our own lives, I love my brother, but i know he will not always be by my side. "Wait, bruder!" I shouted, i jumped off the tree branch and stood infront of him. "How about I join jou in America und take all zhe same classes as jou! Zhen ve vill never have to part vays!" He looked at me his mouth open with a smile across his features. "Mein Gott bruder jou are a genius!" He jumped off the branch running towards me embracing me in a hug. I wrap my arms around his neck as he spins us both around, when he finally sets me back down to the floor we stare into each others eyes and smile. "I promise bruder i vill never leave jour side for as long as ve live." i nodded, holding out my pinky finger to him, he wraps his pinky around mine and we say at the same. "Everlasting Versprechen."

(16 years later)

{Maxs POV}
I was sitting on a bench in the hot sun in America, after a few years of studying medicine and surgical procedures, turned in my resume into at least several different hospitals, but none of them would hire me. So as I was walking the streets of Texas I came across a billboard hiring mercinaries. I took out my phone and dialed the number on the board, after a few moments a woman had picked up the phone. "Hello, my name is Ms. Pauling how may I help you?" "Uh, yes I vas just vondering if jou are still hiring." There was minute of silence between me and the woman on the other line, "Oh yes, we are in fact still hiring." I sighed with relief and told them what I had studied and what I was willing to do to find a job to support myself, she had told me that they needed a medic for the RED team, I had accepted the offer to be the RED teams medic. She told me to be at 2Fort by tomorrow afternoon, I smiled as I hung up the phone and ran straight home to tell my brother.

{Josephs POV}
I was sitting in at me and my brothers apartment in San Antonio, Texas. He had told me that he needed to go get some fresh air, that was two hours ago. So in that time I had decided to read the news paper until he got back, as I was reading I saw an ad for a mercinary job, it said that they were looking for someone with medical experience. I looked at the ad for a little while trying to find a phone number to call, I grabbed my phone from the coffee table and dialed the number. It did not take long until some one answered the phone, it was a woman from the sound of her voice she was no younger than 20 years of age. "This is Ms. Pauling, how may I help you?" "Ja, hello. I vas looking through the news paper und I saw jour ad. Are jou still looking for a medic? I have very good medical experience." "Well we already have a medic for the RED team, I don't think we have one for the BLUs yet....can you please hold." I said yes and waited for a short while, I had walked over to the paper and read through it again to make sure I was answering the right questions. "Hello, are you still there?" "Ja, I am still here." "Ok, so we do in fact still need a medic for the BLU team if you're still interested." A smile crawled on my face as I said yes, she told me that I could start at 10 a.m. tomorrow morning. After I hung up the phone I was jumping for joy, my brother is going to be so surprised when I tell him I had finally got a job, we could finally fulfill our childhood dream to get a home. But what I didn't know was that we would have to fight each other instead of working together like we thought we would.

{Hey guys iits me, ii @m so sorry th@t ii h@vent upd@ted iin for ever. I h@ve just been so busy wiith the new school schedule th@t they h@ve us on. So ii h@vent h@d tiime two wriite storiies. Ii h@ve been workiing on thiis story for the p@st few weeks, ii hope you guys liike iit. ILOVE you!!!! BYE!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤}

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