Chapter Two

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Jack's POV

"Jack I'm scared!" Emma whispers crying and I look at her and hold her small hands tightly.

"Emma don't be scared..." I trail off not knowing what to say to my 11 year old sister then an idea comes to my head, "let's have a little fun instead." I tell her smiling and she looks at me still terrified.

"This isn't fun!" She yells and I look at her wide eyed when we hear knocking at the door, "I want my mommy!" She cries. How do I explain this to an 11 year old?

"Emma mom is gone, you need to come back with me to me and my friend's apartment." I tell her calmly. She can't stay here, if I tell her mom is dead she won't come with me.

A window downstairs then smashes and Emma screams, "Jack!"

"Ok let's play a game. Tag..." I tell her and I look at the tears streaming down her terrified face. One of the zombies then slowly walks in dragging one of its feet behind him and Emma screams.

"Jack I don't wanna play!" She cries and another two walk in. I kill them both then my eyes widen as the zombie bites into my sister and she screams. No. I can't loose her too...

I kill the zombie then pick up my sister and look down at her. her neck is bleeding. I kneel on the ground and hold her in my arms and tears fall from my eyes, "E-Emma you'll b-be okay." I manage to choke out and she looks up at me with a look of hopelessness and leans into me.

"Jack...I'" She trails of as her eyes close. Tears stream down my face and something feels like it's stabbing my heart, my little sister is gone. She's all I had left of a family, the only one in the family who I loved. She can't be gone...

"Emma? EMMA!" I scream and the door swings open and I'm dragged away from my sister and put in a sports car and driven off. Emma...

"Jack look at me!" Someone yells snapping me out my thoughts and I look at Flynn and break down.

"Flynn she's dead..." I cry and hug myself and he looks at me.

"I know, they took Aladdin too." He says then drives into the main part of the city where most things are on fire and everyone is being ripped apart by those zombies.

Flynn tries to ignore it and focus on the road but I know it's getting to him too. The car then breaks as a car crashes into the store infront of us and I get out Flynn's door and he runs away and waits for me across the street. I try to help the woman inside the burning car but the zombies get to her first and she screams as they rip her apart.

I look at her in horror then snap out of it and run to Flynn as all the zombies crowd around this woman and we run into the apartment building. We try to leave by going through the parking lot but there are loads of zombies already in there.

They see us then walk our way. We run the other way towards the entrance we came in through and they are there too. We are then forced to go up the stairs and we run into the corridor where there are more of them so we go the other way.

We run for what seems like hours in the building until we are at a dead end and we see the shadows of zombies that are about to turn the corner and there are too many to kill. I never thought I'd die this way. Flynn looks at me with a look of fear and I look at him back with sadness in my eyes. Goodbye friend.

Zombies: Big 8Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang