"I just thought that maybe you could work things out. You two used to be inseparable" she said

"Yeah...you said it yourself, used to, as in not anymore"

Mom sighed "Okay I'll drop it, but anytime you wanna talk just call me"

"Okay, bye now" I said smiling slightly

"Love you" she said pulling me in a hug once again.

"I love you too. Oh and try to keep dad from calling every hour" I said chuckling

"No promises" she said walking away and I closed the door leaning against it.

Great, first day here and my mood is kind of ruined.

Well let me fill you in a little bit...

I'm Emma, Emmalyn Greene actually but I don't really like my full name.

I'm eighteen years old and about to start College majoring on journalism.

Eight years ago mom and dad decided to move away from Boston because living a big city can't be good for children. If you ask me I think that's bullshit, but did anyone listen to my ten year old self back then? Nope. Absolutely not.

So we moved in a smaller town named Mobile in Alabama, which was okay. I never stopped missing Boston though.

I left behind my childhood bestfriend, that's Charlotte. We really were inseparable and it really pained me moving away. What pained me more though, was that we kept our friendship as strong as possible for the following years but one day after 4 years we just stopped texting and calling.

I guess distance does that to people.

Typical case of people growing apart.

So, to this day, talking about Charlotte is a hard subject. And that's why I choose not to.

And here we are, 8 years later (well 4 since I've had a normal conversation with Charlotte) both 18 years old and studying in the same college.

I'm lucky aren't I? Please do note the sarcasm.

I had another close friend when I moved away but I lost contact with him almost right away; Nate (his full name was Nathan Stone, but I called him Nate).

Nate was a year older than me and we used to have the most adorable and obvious crush on eachother but that never stopped us from being friends.

He was the sweetest kid ever, we would play for hours and then pretend to fall asleep in eachother's houses when it was time to go, so that we'd stay more. Don't act like you've never done whis as a kid you know you'd be lying.

Nate crosses my mind every now and then, I can't help it. All my memories from my life here are associated with him and Charlotte.

Nate was so sweet that even when we stopped calling eachother once a week, he'd still ask Charlotte how I'm doing and I think that's so adorable.

I remember Charlotte telling me how he would ask about me every now and then. Her explanation as to why he wouldn't call me though was that his dad was sick and things weren't good at his home.

Which, a while later, I found out was true. Nate's dad was diagnosed with cancer and he died two years later. At that time I was 13 and Nate was 14.

I never made it to the funeral, I never called him to say I was sorry for his loss, I didn't even write a letter.
My 13year old self didn't know what to say. I regret it to this day though.

Nate's father was a famous actor, mom said his funeral was full of people and even if I had been there, I wouldn't be able to get close to Nate. Dad had insisted of course I didn't go to the funeral and that my mom travelled alone, since I was too young to handle something like that. Meaning the pain and grief.

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