The Duncan's are Back......Oh Boy!!!!

Start from the beginning

Charlie in British Accent: No, I just wanted to make a flashy entrance.

Bob: Charlie that accents really cute. Would you please stop doing it?

Charlie: What accent?oh Daddums don't be Daft. And by the Gabe your son is about to rocket his bicycle.

Gabe: Classic junior, oh no junior (he runs outside)

Amy: what goes around comes around (Big Explosion)

Charlie: where's my little bro

Bob: oh he's busy running the highest video game company in the world

(Gabe walks in with Ash all over)

Gabe: introducing my son spending one extra year in middle school Gabe Duncan Jr.

Charlie: Gabe Hello it's a shame your wife Lauren couldn't be here.

Gabe Jr.: well someone's got a stay at LV and believe it or not i just need to past two more classes to graduate.

Gabe: so what's that another three years

Gabe Jr: you're hilarious dad

(Gabe winces)

Gabe Jr.: best part is I got hella great at pranking

Gabe: Eighty grand at a private school so he could slime his teachers

Teddy: Time for Breakfast, I've got to get to work i have a Bride and groom whose dog swallowed their wedding ring, That's what you get for making a beagle your best man

P.j: OK now before we eat i have something very important to say, okay? Damn, we all still look good! Especially me. You guys teased me about all the Hair cream and moisturizer i used to use. My Face it's like a baby's butt and i got a beautiful mane.

Ivy: Hola!Duncan Donuts. hold on i'm having an acid flash back, but i never dropped acid. I did take an antacid once. I must have been having an antacid flashback.

Bob: Ivy why are you here and why did I ever not fix the lock on that door.

Teddy: Dad be nice Ivy's helping me throw your going away party.

Ivy: i'm an event planner now, when you're ready to party do it wentz style.

Amy: I don't know if i wanna do anything Wentz style.

Charlie; well tonight's party will be brilliant since D.j Duncan will be spinning.

P.J: I Am?

Charlie: D.j not P.J

  P.J: I know.

Charlie: It's my official DJ name.

P.J: you stole my name, why couldn't you call yourself Charlie Duncan

(Caleb and Joshua come downstairs)

Caleb: Aunt Charlie

Charlie: Might Caleb

Joshua; D.j Duncan

P.J: Really?!!!?

Charlie: Action Joshua! Hello! Oh here boys i brought you the hottest dance hits from the clubs of London.

Teddy: Uh. i'm sure there are no inappropriate reference to drugs, sex or violence on those songs?

Charlie: and i'll be taking those right back

Caleb: Relax mom i already know all the bad words, Darn,  Booger and Donald Trump

Charlie: Skylar can you please pass the Watah

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2016 ⏰

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