Chapter 2

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Lexa p.o.v

I park my bike in the garage and went in to my small house, beer bottles everywhere, I see my dad on the sofa with a gun in his hand while shout ping on the phone. I try not to disturb him while he's working but as I tried to creep up the stair he noticed
"Yeah dad?"
"Come here"
I slowly turn around and walk over to him
"Clean my gun would you, I want it too look nice for my meeting tonight"
"Sure thing"
"Oh and Lexa I got you a gift, it's in your room"
I take my dads hand gun in to my room, I have cleaned his guns since I was 13, I worry about him being a gang leader and all but there's nothing I can do, after cleaning the gun I look on my bed to see a small box, I open it up to see a beautiful knife with a leather handle, It was my mothers.
I go down stair hand my dad his gun and go back up stairs, I put the knife in my boot and I decide to take a walk in the woods.
I could not stop thinking of Clarke, the reason I know her name is because her dad used to be apart of my dads gang, but something came up and we never saw him again, my dad told me too keep an eye on her, but she was nothing like what I expected I mean I never though she was so beautiful. I reach a bench in the park and just sit there watching the sunset. I like to be alone, there's none to disturb me.

Clarke p.o.v
I woke up from a nightmare, I dreamed that Finn was after me, I quickly sat up, I swung my feet off my bed and slipped on my trainers, I needed to go on a run or I would never get back to sleep, I was only 12pm, I put on the leather jacket Lexa gave me without thinking and snuck out the house. I started to jog to the woods, I never really whent in there as there were rummers about drug dealers and stuff , but right now I didn't really care I just wanted to fin a quiet place I could watch the stars.
As I'm running is see a figure sitting on a bench, I assume it's a homeless person but as I get closer I see that it's Lexa, she had a knife in her hand and was twisting it into the arm rest of the bench, I was too busy staring at her and I tripped on a root of a tree and tripped, Lexa looked and started to run towards me.
"So we meet again Clarke, what are you doing out so late"
She starts to help me up with one hand on my arm and the other on my waist
" had a nightmare, what about you miss mysterious?"
"Mysterious, so that's what you think of me"
She looked and me with a smile and guided me to the bench and was sat, our legs almost touching
"It's just I have never really seen you at school before"
"Maybe that's because I don't want to be seen"
She gave me a smirk, she looked so hot when she did that, wait I'm not gay what am I saying
"Ummm so urrrr what are you doing out here so late?"
"I like it here, it's peaceful and I see you liked the leather jacket"
Oh shit, she's gunna think I'm weird for still wearing it
"oh umm yeah sorry here ta-"
Before I could take the Janet off and finish my sentence she place her hand on my shoulder and stopped me
"No you keep it, you look good in it"
There's that smirk again, I started to blush and I looked to the floor. I felt her hand on my cheek and she turned my face to face hers she pulled me in slowly to a kiss, it was so gentle, aw we kissed I put my hands around her neck and pulled her in closer and she had her hand on my cheek and the other was on my waist, it felt so right, everything just disappeared it was just me and Lexa but then it all came back, Lexa pulled away and just looked in to my eyes and smirked
"I'll see you tomorrow Clarke"
I simply nodded and walked back home. What just happened, am I gay now , I just kissed Lexa, I liked it, what's wrong with me?
When I got home I laid in bed and fell a sleep.

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