Chapter 2

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Oh joys. He seems better than yesterday. Being his personal servant was never bad except for when he was really angry. Then, we would slap you if you spoke without being spoken to. Once, he even killed a olive blooded troll right in front of you along with words you'll never forget "If ye' don't listen to me lass I'll do the same thing to ya" staring directly into your eyes.

It was time for you to stand next to him and usually tell him his schedule for the day. Sometimes you just stood there and followed Dualscar as he worked. He hardly spoke to you which was nice but, whenever he did speak to you it always made you nervous. You followed him trying to keep up with his quick steps and long strides. Sometimes, you'd skip behind him to keep up the pace. Walking towards the dining hall a familiar memory drifted past you. The day the trolls took captive of the human race. Huge ships would come and raid the Earth until every last human was on a ship. You were maybe eight when this happened. Seeing all the jade bloods, teal bloods, and even a woman who wore a tiara and had a trident. She wore some skin tight suit with the fuchsia pieces symbol on it.
Most people called her The Empress. She was a dangerous troll and it was hell when she would walk by the cages you were kept in while traveling to Alternia. Then there was the auctioning. Your mother and father held you close when Highbloods would come by and stare at you. Then Dualscar bought you but your mother and father were sold to a woman in a blue pirate suit. Being dragged by the guards while screaming for your parents was the most horrendous thing to happen in your life. Damn, you missed them a lot.

"Lass, stop dreaming" Dualscar said snapping at you. You snapped out of your thought and looked up at Dualscar "Wipe ye' tears away scum" Dualscar said. Where you crying? You put your hand up to your eyes and realized you had been crying. You wiped your tears away and tried to act normal. Now you were in the great dining hall. You went to a rather large throne and pulled it out for Dualscar as he sat down and began opening letters from other Highbloods. Then the kitchen servants came out with the food. Behind, the servants you saw Dromea shaking. Dromea saw you and you gave her a reassuring glance. She calmed down but not enough. The tray she was holding was shaking madly.

The move you were gonna make will be a bold one. The servants set down the platters and what nots in front of Dualscar. You stood right beside him and noticed he was busy reading the notes he had. Quickly you walked behind Dromea and grabbed the tray and set it down for her so she wouldn't drop the tray. She left quickly into the kitchen as you made your way back to Dualscars side. Walking back you noticed he had stopped reading and he was staring at you. You quickly averted your eyes away from him and went back next to his side. "(Y/n), tell me my schedule for today" Dualscar demanded as he started eating. Strange, he used your name instead of the word lass. "Today you have a meeting with her Imperious Condescension-" you were cut off with a loud coughing sound from Dualscar. He must've forgotten. "When?" Dualscar asked coughing.

"Around noon master" you said. "Shit" Dualscar mumbled. Dualscar immediately grabbed your wrist as he bolted out of his chair and began sprinting out of the dining hall. You had now idea what the hell was happening. You moved your legs fast enough to try and keep up with Dualscar. You and Dualscar bolted out of his palace and began running towards his ship. "Fuck" you mumbled to yourself. This was going to be a long and interesting trip. Finally you and Dualscar were on his giant ship. He let go of your wrist as he went and started yelling orders to his sea crew. It usually takes a while to get to the Empress' palace. But your guessing if his meeting is today then it's most likely you won't be home till tomorrow. The crew members began preparing the boat to sail into the wide ocean. The boat began moving away from shore. You went to the side of the ship and watched as the shore slowly went away from you. Dualscar was steering the boat with the helm trying to get the ship into the right direction. Soon the shore only became a blur. Now the ship was at sea. The wind pushed the sails making the ship move a little faster. It was a perfect breeze. So, you decided to let your hair down. You undid your hair band letting your (h/l) (h/c) hair fall down. The wind immediately started performing it's dance with your hair. It felt good to have your hair down like this. "It's been ages" you whispered to yourself. Soon the land was no longer to be seen and you found yourself a nice place to sit on some barrels and crates. Dualscar was still manning the helm. It seemed perfect. "(Y/n)!" Dualscar yelled. Perfect moment over. You sighed and slid off the crates and barrels. Standing up you quickly fixed your dress and began walking towards Dualscar. Seeing him made you feel anxious again. You walked next to him and looked at his face. He was looking at something in the distance that you couldn't see. "Yes Master?" You asked, Dualscar turned to you and grabbed your chin with one of his masculine hands "When we get to the Empress's castle I want ye' to say nothin' to her, ye' hear me?" He said firmly "Yes, Master" you said slightly bowing your head. You looked back at him and realized he was staring straight into your eyes. A small pink blush tinted your cheeks. You could've sworn he had a faint violet blush on his cheeks. Then, he let go of you. You turned away and went behind Dualscar to sit at the edge of the wooden rails. The ocean had always been so entertaining to you. "So calming" you mumbled to yourself as the wind tangled with your hair. You felt happy.

So Many Tears (Dualscar x reader) EDITINGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora