Chapter Twenty One

Start from the beginning

“C’mon Peter are you going hide in your office forever?” said the only voice who’s been coming to comfort me since she left.

“Darren what other choice do I have?” I asked, sadly.

“Open the door” he commanded. If I was my normal self I would’ve punch him in the face. I slowly got up and dragged myself to the door keeping my head down. That symbolizes how low I’ve become. An alpha never looks down; his head is always held high. I flung the door open and invited Darren in.

“Good god Peter you look like hell” Darren taunted animatedly

“I’m glad you are happy at the expense of my heart” I said icily

“C’mon Peter don’t be a stick in the mud and ruin my fun. But honestly you do look like crap” he said

“Thanks” I replied sarcastically “That’s what happens when your heart no longer beats with its natural rhythm because your mate leaves you”

“So what; you’re going to mope around all day?”

“I’m not moping” I said defensively

“Whatever makes you sleep at night Alpha” he said

“What can I do for you Darren?” I asked my patience running low

“Everyone is asking about you” he said sadly

“So?” I asked

“You’re our alpha Peter. These people didn’t follow you to be neglected. I don’t care how broken hearted you are. You have a responsibility. For fuck’s sake Peter Grayson are you hearing me?” he shouted

“Darren I can’t do this. I can hardly think straight. How the fuck do you expect me to run a pack? I can’t do this” I slumped myself unto the floor

“You were not born with alpha blood running through your veins for nothing. You are an alpha because you are able to make the difficult decisions; you are able to be fair and free of judgment. Your will is stronger than any of ours. Where is the Peter who stood up to his father when he wanted out? Where’s the Peter who fought bravely against the small pack of rogues that attacked our pack three months ago? Where is the Peter who made a vow to be there for the pack no matter what?”

“That Peter is just a weak wolf, who couldn’t keep his mate by his side. That Peter is an empty shell of a man that use to be”

“Peter!” Darren boomed loudly “Stop wallowing in self-pity and man up. If Adelina were to come back, do you think she’s going to be happy when she finds out her mate couldn’t surpass his own emotions to take care of his own pack. Do you think she’s going to be proud of you? Proud that you single handedly destroyed the pack. Her home”

“Well she’s not coming back” I shouted “She’ll never come back”

“You know what Peter I give up. If you want to destroy the pack together with your life by all means go ahead. But don’t expect me to stick around to watch. There’s a Bond fire tonight by the lake. If you feel like being our alpha again feel free to join us” he said before storming out of the room

I buried my face in my hands, drowning myself in my thoughts. For once they weren’t all consumed by Adelina. I sat there and thought about the welfare of my pack.

You know he’s right. My wolf spoke suddenly

I don’t know if I can do it. I replied sadly.

Peter I know you can do it. You’re not the alpha for no reason. He retorted

How can I do it without her?

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