"no!" I said

"shutup its good." he sounded annoyed. I sat down next to him on the couch as the movie started

"I don't understand why death has to keep coming after them! They'll die eventually" I exclaimed, shielding my eyes with a pillow from the scary scene before me.

"Shut up! You're ruining the movie!" Niall said kicking his feet up on the couch, engrossing himself in the film

"How are you not scared?" I asked in disbelief.

He shrugged "I've seen it all before"

"Yeah, an I've seen the notebook a billion times and I still cry."

He chuckled "it's different when you see it in real life, yeah?"

I nodded, his words sinking in. Of course it's not scary when you see It in person and you're the cause of it.

eventually the movie ended and I was scrunched up in Nialls neck with my knees to my chest and the pillow covering me

"princess?" niall said. I looked up at him

"as much as I enjoy cuddling with you, you're hurting my shoulder and the movies over."

I got up and and pushed myself off of him. he smirked and walked into the kitchen to turn off the light

"What now?" I asked stretching out my legs on turning off the TV.

"It's only 6"

He shrugged "well what would you like to do?"

He ran his arms up and down his tattooed arms , before an idea popped in to his head and he smirked.

"I think it's time to dye your hair princess"

my face fell as he sat up

"cmon." he waved

"b-but do we have to?" I slowly got up

"we've been over this." he started to walk up the stairs to the bathroom

"ugh" I walked up the stairs behind him

"I can just wear a hat and sunglasses and we don't even have to dye my hair! I mean everyone thinks I'm dead anyways!" I protested as he pulled out the box of brown dye and turned on the sink.

He shook his head. "No way, I'm dying mine, you dye yours, and it's safer"

I raised my eyebrow "since when doeS Niall Horan care about safety?"

"watch it" he turned on the water for the tub and I opened my box. there was a bag of die, a small squirt bottle, a comb, and plastic gloves. I got the things out and examined them. I put on the gloves and poured the dye in the bottle. I struggled to put the cap back on it

"look princess." niall came up behind me and closed bottle tightly

"one Sec." he ran out and down the stairs to get some tin foil. he came back up and started to dye his brown locks. I took off a piece and copied him.
I looked over at Nialls now blondish hair and then in the mirror at mine. I flipped it over and brushed it out.

"you look hot " niall stated

"th-thanks." I blushed

I glanced down at my now brown hair, what was once an icy blonde was replaced by a dark brown, giving me a totally different look.

"It makes my eyes look weird." I stated, my bright blue eyes poppin out way more.

"They blended better with the blonde"

Niall rolled his eyes "stop complaining." He muttere

"you look hot." he took the items and threw them in the waste bin

"whatever." I said

"lets make dinner." niall said from the hall

"what do you want?" I said

He thought about it for a moment before shrugging, "just make something I'm hungry"
I nodded walking to the kitchen "when are you not hungry you pig" I mumbled to myself before looking through the cabinets at what to make.

"Oooh mac&cheese!" I smiled grabbing the box and turning I the stove to boil the water. I was finished not long after, I placed some of the mac&cheese in to a bowl, adding a spoon in before placing it on the bar and then making a bowl for myself.

"NIALL!" I called from the base of the stairs. He came running down, "well someone's eager"
He shot me a glare "I'm hungry." He explained. We walked to the kitchen and sat at the bar. He looked over at what was in the bowl before smiling "you just love bringing me back to my child hood, don't you?"

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