"What happened to me?" I ask myself and I hear the door open.

"He's escaped! Sound the alarm! The mutant has escaped!" I hear a man yell. I was going to walk out until he said 'mutant'.

'I'm. I'm a mutant? I can't believe it. I'm a freak of nature. A mistake. A danger to those around me. A disaster waiting to happen.' I think and I hear him run out.

I grab my clothes and quickly get dressed and goto my door. I peek out and see if anyone is around. No one is.

I run out of the hospital and towards the woods. I keep running until a bear trap closes on my leg and I scream. I hear something behind me so I look and there is a seven-foot grizzly within an arm's length of me.

"P-please. D-don't e-eat m-me." I stutter afraid of what he will do. I swear he looked at me like he understood me. I think I hear him say.

'Ok'. Then he leaves.

'Did he just say something?' I think to myself as he walks away.

Then a twig snaps and I hear footsteps coming closer. I try to the bear trap off. My fingers are shredded, my ankle is broken. I don't know why I'm trying to get away. The person steps out and it's. Logan?

"Logan!" I yell and he looks at me.

"Clint? What are you doing out of the hospital?" He asks. Shoot! He doesn't know. I can't tell him.

"They uh... Released me early." I lie. Unfortunately, I am a horrible liar.

"Ok. Now, what's the real truth?" He asks as he notices the bear trap. He comes over and starts to work on getting it off. I feel almost afraid to lie to him now.

"Can you keep a secret?" I ask. He looks at me and nods.

"Yeah. Why?" He asks. I am about to open my mouth to tell him when a gun goes off and Logan falls back with a bullet in his head. I scream then look back and see men with guns running after me. I look and see that Logan had gotten the trap off and I mentally thank him and go over to him. I grab his wallet for I.D. and his dog tags. Then I take off running. I run as fast as I can and the forest whips away around me.

I soon find more soldiers and stop dead in my tracks. The soldier screams in surprise and aims their guns at me. I raise my hands and look to the side of them and I see a bear, a mountain lion, and a pack of wolves all staring at me. I get this crazy idea.

"Attack," I say and the bear runs at the men with the wolves by his side. The mountain lion runs ahead and pounces on one man and snaps his neck. The wolves circle a small group of soldiers and then attack and the bear stands up and roars at them and swipes his huge paw at them and knocks them back.

I stand there in shock as one by one the soldiers are killed by these animals. A soldier shoots a wolf and it falls to the ground whimpering. I can feel its life draining from it and I look at the man. He screams and runs. I run after him I pounce him as I make a growling sound and three bone claws come out of my hand and I stab him in his throat.

I stand in horror as I look at the man's body. I just killed a man and his blood is all over my hand. I stand and run to the creek and wash my hands off.

I bring my claws out and stare at them they are actually made of bone. Which means they can break. These have to be my last resort. I am a mutant and I kill people. I killed a man and dozens by the means of animals.

"I'm a monster," I say to myself.

'No, you're not. Those men trying to kill you were.' I hear a high-pitched voice say. I look around and see a baby chipmunk.

"Huh? D-did you say something?" I ask and he comes and stands on my knee.

'Yup. I was watching from here. I'm sorry about your friend.' He says and I wipe my eyes. I didn't realize I was crying until then.

"He helped me before. I didn't really know him." I say and he crawls onto my shoulder.

'He was a good guy. But we need to get you out of here.' He says and I nod.

"I need some things from home. I can't stay there anymore." I say and he crawls into my pocket and I run home.

When I get there I go in the back door and I hear my mother crying. I walk into the living room and see her with a letter stating that I had passed away in the hospital.

'What? Did they lie to my mother? Why?' I quietly go upstairs and pack a small bag and I hear her come up. The door opens and I look at her.

"C...Clint?" She says not believing I'm there.

"Yeah. Mom listen I have to go. You're not safe with me." I say and I try to go to the door.

"No. Please don't go. Clint, please don't leave." She begs and I look at her and my baby sister cries.

"Mom I have to keep you two safe. This is my only way to do that." I say and there is a knock at the door.

"Don't go. I'll be right back." She says and she goes downstairs, I grab my money and clothes then I go check on my little sister. She is only a year old.

She starts crying and I pick her up. I hear shouting. I hold her close as I slowly walk to the staircase and I come just in time to see my mother killed. I scream and run back up the stairs and back to my sister's room. I quickly grab her some clothes, diapers, a toy, and a couple of snacks and blankets and shove them into the bag. Then I go to her window, strap her into the baby carrier, and jump out the window.

I run the only place I know I will be safe. Back into the woods. I run and I don't look back. I run straight to a cave and I see a wolf.

"P-please. Help me." I beg and she comes closer.

'What's wrong young one?' She asks.

"Our mother was killed by people who kidnapped me. I have my baby sister and no father. I need to get far away from here safely." I beg and she nods. She leads me to a road.

'This should help. Go to white wolf ridge. My cousin is a wolf husky hybrid. He will help you.' She says and I nod.

"Thank you," I say and I start running. I'm 14 years old. My mother is dead I'm now taking care of my baby sister and running for reasons I don't know. What is going to happen now?

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