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liza wondered what exactly he could've done for her to make her be obliged to give anything to him. she questioned whether or not he was a family friend she hadn't seen since she was younger, but no. liza had seen him just a couple months ago, somewhere in manila. could it have been atc, in the crowd of heated bodies that wished they could wear nothing due to the extreme heat the philippines bore.

"do i even know you?" she lifted one of her eyebrows, just recently done to perfection.

"no, but i know you," the boy seemed to be getting a little impatient, and liza noticed it. she saw the way his fingers twiddled around with the hem of his shirt, and the way he tapped his foot out of beat. it'd go fast, then slow and then quick again. "i did seven things for you last year. seven things to help you out, and i though that by now you'd figure out it was me, but i guess you're more dull than i thought you were."

"dull?" liza wanted to hit him on the back of his head, as though they were both children; to scold him. but she told herself to keep her hands right to herself, as she didn't even know what this guy could do to her. "i'm not dull and what have you ever done for me? huh? i'm sure i would've noticed it a while ago if you ever had done something to help me."

he only scoffed, kicking at the concrete of the sidewalk. it drew the some attention of other citizens passing by, but other than that, no one else seemed to notice. liza dug the tips of her nails into her skin, leaving little moons in her arm. "i've helped you in many ways," he spoke up after a moment of silence. "you've just never noticed them."

"then tell me what you've done to help me," she demanded then and there, her 'command' only drawing a smirk to his lips. "i'll leave if you want―"

"wait," he said. "i have an idea."


"for the next week, we'll hang out together―"

"i don't know you―!"

"― and every time we hang out, i'll drop a hint. through a post-it note, or handing you something, or simply speaking about it. after each day, tell me what you can put together and i'll tell you what i helped you with."

"but how do i know you're not a serial killer, or― or a r―"

"i'm neither, trust me."

for some reason, she did.

bts's fire mv came out im dead

plot © ji-minie

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