Adam huffed, "What? When did I lie?"

Kim glared at him, "Nicole. Did you ever plan on telling me?"

He laughed, "that's what started this? Nicole?" He sat down again, "I was young and stupid...I thought I was in love. We both did..but it wasn't love"

She couldn't believe he had the audacity to laugh, "I don't find it should have told me...I shouldn't have found out from overhearing you and Kevin"

"You're right. I'm sorry. It just didn't mean anything to was in the past" he watched as she continued to pace.

"Fine" she huffed satisfied with his answer, "you pushed the wedding back..why?"

He was blown away. "That was you wanted it pushed back. Both times! You're the one who first asked...I figured it was what you wanted, and then you brought it up again when I was suspended. You can't pin that on me" his anger returning.

"You didn't fight me on it"

"You're the bride're supposed to get whatever you want..I didn't want a bridezilla on my hands. Whatever you wanted was fine with me"

Trudy checked her watch, Adam and Kim had been locked in the locker room for close to two hours. She went to the door and was satisfied with the sounds she heard, they were finally talking....yelling was more of an appropriate term.

Her plan was working.

"So..this is all my fault. Is that what you're saying?" Kim narrowed her eyes at him.

"Don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say that...just said I went with what you wanted, and you called it off. Not me, let's not forget that" he huffed walking to the door, now he wanted out.

"Fuck!" He yelled when the door wouldn't budge.

Kim watched as Adam ran his hands through his hair, and exhaled in frustration.

"I was testing you.." Kim admitted, "that day in the locker was a test"

Adam turned and looked at her, "What? Testing me?"

She nodded, "Yea, after I found out about Nicole, I talked to Sean.."

"Of course you did" Adam interjected, he knew Roman had misgivings about the engagement and Adam couldn't help but wonder if Roman wanted Kim.

Kim rolled her eyes, "I needed to talk to someone, and he was all I had"

"Whatever" Adam huffed as she continued speaking.

"He said I should give you the 'push test'" Kim said softly, "so I did, I just never expected you to agree"

Adam's jaw went slack, "A fucking test? Kim, that's fucked up. Roman's an asshole and I can't believe you went along with it" he put his hands on his hips, "Never once did it cross your mind to just talk to me? Why the fuck do you talk to Roman and not me?"

"I don't know..alright. I was terrified I was going to lose you" she admitted, "that it was my karma for breaking up your engagement to Wendy"

Adam sat back down and hung his head, "Kim, you didn't break that up. It was broken long before you came around, we just ignored it" he explained.

Kim wiped the tears from her eyes, "Do you want to get married Adam? I mean really want to get married?"

Adam straddled the bench so he was facing her, "I asked you to marry me..didn't I?"

"You did..but Sean.."

"Don't say it. Forget Roman" Adam commanded, "do you think I'd ask you to marry me and then not marry you"

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