「Murasaki」- Aoi x reader

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I got the feels to write "Murasaki", since I love the song so much~ "Murasaki" is basically 「PRINCE KAGUYA」opening, for those who didn't know ^^ xD

You woke up by a beautiful voice. But you faintly recognize the voice as you were half-asleep. 'Who..' You thought. 'Such beautiful voice..like an angel.. Ah...' You got down the bed, nearly fell but you try to balance yourself, walk to the bathroom to washed up and etc.

Aoi, who was in a music room, practicises the song and also the dance for「Murasaki」, ah, beautiful. (Imagine him dancing >w<). As you all know, 「Murasaki」play, he played as a female character but in the MV, he acts as both male and female(x3), amazing isn't it?

After 1hour, you finally done everything; including shower. "Wow, refreshing indeed!" You said. You stretch yourself and pack some light snacks and put some money into your wallet, ready to head out. But to your surprise, Aoi wasn't anywhere home. Yes, you both lived together. "Huh, where's Shoutan?" You murmured to yourself. You suddenly remember by the strikes of thoughts. 'Oh yeah..he have a play up-coming.. I wonder how's he doing and what's the play about..?'

But of course, this play, Aoi will play as the male lead. As your thoughts wondered, you went out of the room, searching for him. Oh! You just remember he left a note for you. 'If I remember, it says: "Come to the music room if you want to find me. ♡" You blush as you saw the heart. 'What's the heart for?' You sigh as you walk to the music room, following the path.

As you get closer to the room, you can hear his voice much more clearer. 'Ah...indeed..beautiful.. Such an angel-like voice..' You felt bad for entering the room as you feel that you could trouble him with his practices. You frown with a sad look.

Suddenly, the door unlock, a click sound could be heard. Shock; you blink and tilted your head slightly. "?" Aoi had opened the door and there he stood. He was already in his 「Murasaki」- Prince Kaguya costume (The guy side, alright? XD). Gorgeous, beautiful. He's too beautiful, even though his not acting as a female-character, his just too beautiful. 'Unbelievable, just unbelievable.. Why is he so beautiful... It's like an angel right in front of my eyes- Wait- He's already right in of my eyes since last year-' You laughed nervously. "S-sorry if I'm disturbing you, S-Shoutan!" You bowed, turn around and ready to leave.

But- you got stopped. Aoi had grab your wrist by then. "?!" Your eyes widen as you turn your head around. "Shoutan..?" He smiles. "No..(Y/N), don't worry, you're not disturbing me. Instead would you like to see me practice the play?" 'Yes, yes! I would love to!' You nod. "Sure, thank you, Shoutan." A smile form on your face gently.

Aoi; who was still holding your wrist, slides his hand down to hold your hand and interlock his finger into yours. "Come in~" As both of you were about to enter the room, his manager happen to chance by. "Aoi-Kun!" His manager called. "Manager." Aoi bows as he was still holding your hand; interlocking. "How's the play and the song coming?" He just nod. "It's great!" Aoi smiles. Aoi's manager eyes gaze at you. You blink as you gaze back. "?" He smiles as he look back at Aoi. "Is that your girlfriend?"

"N-!" Before you could finish, your words got interrupted by Aoi. "Yes, she's my girlfriend, manager." He smiles. "Oh, congratulations, Aoi-Kun!" "Thank you, manager." Your face was flushed red, bright red. 'Wa- Since when.. Mou..'

"Oh yeah. I just remember. We need a female-lead character right?" Aoi nod. "Uh-huh." Aoi's manager smiles widen. "Your girlfriend could take the role!" "Yes, she could." Aoi smile. "Huh- why me?" Aoi turn to look at you and wink. "I'm sure you can and I want you to take the role of 'Kaguya' " You look at his manager and blink. 'This isn't right but I don't want to disappoint both Shoutan and his manager..' "Alright, I will take the female-lead character." "That's my girl." Aoi wink once again cosing you to flush up.

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