"Sorry man we didnt realize we will be going"Stiles says

"Yeah we were just looking for something but it dosnt matter anymore"

Derek throws Scotts inhaler then leaves

"Guys that was Derek hale"Stiles says

"Who ?"Scott asks

"You the hales there house burned down and like everyone died hes only a couple of years older then us aswell"Stiles explains

"Yeah and he need to learn not to be creepy" i joke

"Yeah well lets go i need to get to work"Scott says starting to walk back to the car

"I should probably be getting home now aswell so i will see you guys later"

I say walking back to my car

"Hey Luce"I turn around

"Why did you leave"Stiles asks me

"I just needed to leave i cant explain it yet Stiles okay i really need to get home"I say getting into my car and driving home

Once i get home 

"Mom You home yet" 

I got no reply great home alone first time in a long time I walked over to the fridge and took out the milk and started to make myself some cereal.When all of a sudden my doorbell rang I got up from my stool and answered it.

"Stiles what are you doing here at my door"

"Could you maybe help me with something"

"Depends what it is"

"Research on animals"

"You mean wolves listen Stiles I would love to help but I can't I have a tonnes of homework to catch up onI'm sorry"I say before closing the door in him and leaning against it.

Next Day at the boys lacrosse practise I overhear Scott and Stiles talking 

"Just hold on, okay? I overheard my dad on the phone.

"Should you even be listening to that"Scott asks

"Shut up okay and let me finsih the analysis came back from the lab in L.A and they found animal hairs on the body from the woods!"

"Stiles, I really have  got to go.

"Wait, no Scott! You're not gonna believe what the animal was! It was a wolf"he says but its too late Scotthad already gone I sighed when I saw how sad Stiles looked

"Go and tell him you will help him with the research you know you want to"Spencer says to me I told her about what happened the previous night

"I can't I don't want him to be mixed up in this life"

"Like it or not he's going to be in the life"She pushes me until I stand up and walk over to him

"Hey Stiles"I shout

"What Lucy I don't have time"

"Fine whatever I won't help you so the phone call your dad had was it before or after you came to my house"


I just nod and start to walk away

"So what you are not going to help now"

"Oh I am going to help meet me at my house after school I have some books about this stuff"I smile and walk away

Later that evening

All This Time (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now