The Years Go By So Fast

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As a few years passed and Shadow turned 10 and it was almost time for Shadow and Queen Misty to leave to go see Amy and her father.

"I don't wanna go back to that brat they call a princess!" Shadow demanded to stay in his room for the entire summer. "Shadow! There expecting us! So get your tush out here now!" The queen argued refusing to break the deal that was made between her and the king.

"Why me?" Shadow groaned as he got off his bed and headed for the door. His mother didn't understand what sarcasm was so she obviously pointed out that it was what was right for both kingdoms for the two to wed so that war would not brake loose. "I know what you meant mom, It's an expression!" Shadow said as he opened the door and got ready for the long trip across the sea.

"Goodness child! Hurry Up!" The King told the stubborn girl that stayed put on her balcony and crossed her arms in frustration. "Father! I don't want to see that jerk again can't five summers be enough?!" Amy cried from her balcony to her father who was very irritated by Amy's stubbornness. "No! Now get down here we must look presentable!" The king told Amy then Amy finally gave up and went to the courtyard.

"That's better." The king said with a smile. "Yeah yeah." Amy mumbled making sure that her father didn't hear her.

Two weeks passed as Amy and King Harold were waiting for Shadow and Queen Misty's boat to roll into port.

Workers lifted crates off the boat as Queen Misty and Shadow made there way down the walkway and greeted King Harold and Amy once again.

"Now remember if the same thing happens then come talk to us and we'll take care of it." The King told Amy and she nodded but before she ran to chase Shadow and Sonic who were already sneaking off to somewhere else where she couldn't find them, she asked her father a question and he said it was alright.

"C'mon Shadow I've looked all over the place and I think she won't be able to find us but we have to go now." Sonic whispered to Shadow and they left.

A half hour later they were playing cards in the garden when Shadow heard a twig snap. "Did you hear that?" Shadow asked. "Yeah wait, you don't think it's her? Do you?" Sonic warned Shadow then they looked around for whatever caused the twig to snap. They came to find that it was just a mouse that had stepped on it.

When the boys came back to were they left there game they saw Amy wandering around in the back of the field were they were. Sonic and Shadow ducked down and watched Amy bring two other friends in the garden, one was a rabbit and the other was a cat. At first Sonic and Shadow wanted to tell them off so that Amy would get in trouble, but then Shadow remembered that he saw Amy ask her dad something and he figured that she asked him if she could have a friend over or two.

"Hey Sonic, maybe we shouldn't tell on her. I mean like at least we won't have to worry about her chasing us anymore and it only would be fair because your here." Shadow whispered. " have a point there at least she won't bug us, then I guess it's okay!" Sonic replied. Then the two hedgehogs ran off to somewhere else.

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