Finding Gowther part 2

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 Gowther's pov
I start reading the new books to the monster. I wonder if any of the sins are dead or not. I've heard rumors about some of the sins being dead, but I don't believe them I think that they would put up a bigger fight then just dying. I heard that there is a fair in town, and I was thinking about going. Maybe I can finally get some glue for my armor, and maybe I can find some more books. I love books because that is how I learn about feelings humans feel. Sometimes I wish I could feel again, but then I just think about how I would just be lonely and depressed. Yes, I have the monster, but he doesn't really talk unless he wants me to read him a book. Anyways I'm at the fair, and I immediately go to the book stand. I heard that there is a fighting competition going on. I'm going to see it because I heard that the prize is a giant hammer, that sounds a lot like Diane's weapon. I was always jealous of her, I don't know why tho. So I'm watching the fights, and I see Meliodas, Ban, and someone with them. I miss seeing King every day because before we were wanted King and I slept in the same room, I wonder where he is. Anyway, I feel like I know the person in the cloak. I want to know who wins so I just stay there and watch. It ends up that Meliodas wins (I don't remember who actually won). I went back to my cave because I didn't want to get seen yet. I didn't find any good books.
King's pov
I wonder where Gowther is I miss my roommate. I have kind of developed some feelings for Gowther, but I know he would not like me in that way. There were reports of a big armored thing walking around. I'm hoping it is Gowther!!!! I mean I have feelings for Diane, but I also have feelings for Gowther. Anyways we are on our way to see the armored thing. When we get there, there is a person next to Gowther. I wonder who is? The man seems very protective of Gowther. We start defending Gowther. This guy shot an arrow at Gowther, and the guy that was with Gowther caught it. I was very surprised, who is that and how did he do that? He said, "I'm Gowther, the goat sin of lust!!!" Oh, my it is Gowther!!!!! I missed him so much.

I'm sorry I haven't updated. I wrote this at school.
- Brooklyn

Two Sins (Gowther x King)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora