The Fitness Exams Part 1

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Just so y'all know there will be more of the good kind of drama but I'll have this short story for now as I get inspired for the other one. This has been completed, so it'll be updated often. I'm rambling so bye! - Sammy))

~ Adrienette/Nalya ~

     Third Person

     Marinette walked to school, gym clothes stowed safely in her bag. She waited where she and Alya sometimes meet, and waited for her friend on a nearby bench. She was actually on time for once, and wanted to enjoy it. Alya walked up.
"Hey girl! Guess someone decided to wake up with her alarm today! I'm glad you did, I have a new scoop on Ladybug and Chat Noir!" Alya trudged to school with Marinette in tow, chatting endlessly about Ladynoir. However, Marinette wasn't giving the fangirl her full attention. Instead, she was worried about gym. Like really worried. Not because she was going to fail her fitness exam, but because she would ace it. Marinette is scared of balls, but running, push-ups, and sit-ups are a piece of cake for her. With being Ladybug and all, she's constantly in peak physical condition. Which will be problematic.
"Girl, you okay?" Alya waved a hand in front of her distracted friend's face.
"I'm fine." She returns. "Just worried about the fitness exam."
"You'll ace it! I'm hoping to finish early to watch Chloe fail."
"Wait, she didn't get out of it?" Marinette was dumbfounded.
"Nope. It's a law over all of France."
"Haha yes!" She fist pumped in the air.

     For Marinette, all classes at school were surprisingly easy. Chloe had missed a day of school yesterday, so the mayor was making all the teachers re-teach everything. So our secret heroine just stared at the blond boy in front of her and day dreamt. Until gym, that is.

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