Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

Ty's P.O.V.

 Felicity lay there in a ball, crying out in pain. I could feel the pain she was feeling, but ignored it. She stopped moving and her eyes closed and she fainted. I stood there, watching her twitch and turn. White, brown, gray, black, and yellow fur started to sprout from her body. Her nose and mouth grew together and out into a snout and her eyes grew closer. Her eyes turned from that gorgeous brown to a yellow and stared at me. 

 She was now on all fours, her claws sharp and black. She growled up at me, walking closer. Quickly, I changed into my wolf and growled back at her. She lunged at me, knocking me to the ground. She licked the side of my snout in a loving way and I answered her the same way. "We're mates, Felicity," I told her through our mind messaging. Felicity shook her giant head, "What?" "We're mates, silly," I chuckled. She just nodded and rubbed her nose against mine in an eskimo kiss. 

 I rubbed my warm, wet tongue along her ear and she just closed her eyes, letting me clean her up. Once I was finished, I turned into my wolf form and let Felicity's wolf lay on my naked body. She licked my chest and I arched my back. She turned back into a human and I stared at her nude body. Felicity looked down on herself and me then a blush formed on her cheeks. She moved her body up mine, making her front rub against mine. We both let out a long moan in unison and she leaned down, pressing her lips against mine.

 She wrapped her arms around my neck, letting her hands get tangled in my hair. My arms laced around her waist and I climbed up and off of the floor, holding her against me. I walked up the stairs, closing my door and locking it behind me. I gently placed her on the bed and got on top of her. Leaning down, I nipped her earlobe and heard a breathy moan escape her. I licked the side of her neck and whispered in her ear, "I'm going to bite you, baby. Mark you as mine." She just nodded and I bit into her neck.

 She yelped out in pain, but that soon came pleasure. I licked the bite, cleaning off the blood. She crashed her lips against mine, prying open my mouth to slide her tongue in. I moaned loudly and started to pant when she pulled away. I kissed her neck down to her belly button and she let out a long, loud moan. I leaned over her and she smiled up at me. I went inside her and she groaned, wrapping her arms around my back. I started to go faster and she clawed at my back. "Harder," she whispered. I smirked, "My pleasure." I rammed inside of her, making her moan in pleasure.


 Once we were finished, I collapsed beside her, both of us panting. She leaned over and kissed my lips, "I love you." "I love you more," I mumbled against her lips. I pulled the covers over us and kissed the top of her head. She laid her head on my chest, user the tip of her index finger to trace my abs. I shivered slightly and ran my fingers over her hair. Felicity's eyes slowly closed and her breathing evened out, letting me know she was asleep. I smiled and closed my eyes, re-playing the events that just happened in my mind till I fell into a deep sleep with Felicity's head on my chest and her legs laying over mine.


YURP. That's right.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 26, 2011 ⏰

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