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Chase Mathew eyes is white, black hair, 8 year old boy, blind, to be alpha his family is poor, have 2 sisters and one mother, His dad is dead protecting his family, mom is alive his mate is Mitchel daughter Alexa that is 7 year old.

Kila Mathew blue eyes, brown long hair, 26 year old, slim body not that old but young she has 2 daughters and a son, her husband die protecting his family, poor family her mate is Henry Mathew that is dead.

Kayla Mathew brown eyes, long brown hair, 18 years old, curve body 5’2 she has one brother and one sister, their dad is dead, mom is alive, poor family her mate is Stephen.

Zoey Mathew blue eyes, black long hair, 5 years old, she has one sister and one brother, her dad his dead, mom is alive, poor family, and her mate is Chris.

Mitchel Jones red eyes wear green contact liens to hide them, black long hair with red& purple streaks, 18 year old but she is not she century old, curve body 5’4,She has one daughter and a huge family (not her really family her packs member), her related and parent are dead, rich family, she is the alpha from dark blood packs her mate is Jayden from nightlight pack.

Alexa Jones red eyes wear blue contact liens to hide them, brown long hair with red streaks7 year old, alpha daughter, she have alpha blood in her, her mom is Mitchel Jones, her dad pass way 4 year ago, her mate is Chase Mathew from nightlight.

Blinded boy in the woods; I end up being their alpha matesWhere stories live. Discover now